JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini asked people who will receive cash social assistance (BST) during the Java-Bali emergency PPKM period to use money properly.

The BST that will be given is assistance per May and June. The amount of assistance provided is IDR 300 thousand per month. BST will be distributed two months at a time with a total of Rp600 thousand.

"Residents will receive Rp 600 thousand at a time, but I ask that it is not allowed and only to meet basic needs," said Risma in her statement, Friday, July 2.

Risma promised that BST would be distributed no later than the second week of July. Technical distribution of BST as usual through the post office.

"So, hopefully it can be realized at the latest in the second week of this month and we will try to distribute everything to the residents," said Risma.

Efforts to accelerate this assistance are also balanced by the supervision of the use of social assistance funds carried out from the beneficiaries' receipts, if they are spent other than for basic needs.

"Evaluation of the use of social assistance money can be seen from the receipts for the recipients of social assistance, used for basic necessities or other goods," he said.

BST will be given to 10 million beneficiary families (KPM). Furthermore, the distribution of this assistance does not interfere with the budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs, but there is an additional budget from the Government for two months, namely in May and June of Rp. 2.3 trillion.

"Actually, there is an additional total of IDR 6 trillion for distribution for two months. But we still have spare money as much as Rp. 3 trillion, "explained Risma.

In addition to BST, the basic food program was also distributed to 18.8 million KPM and the Family Hope Program (PKH) to 10 million KPM. BPNT and PKH recipients will be channeled through the State Banks Association (Himbara) network.

Risma admitted that there were still 3.6 million stuck in the bank and this had been resolved in a meeting. The data is caught because the name listed in the data bank is not exactly the same as the data belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs which has been matched with the population identification number (NIK).

"At the bank, the name must be at least 3 letters and not in the form of numbers, such as the names 'IT' and 'NA70', but for other minor errors, they can still be coordinated," he concluded.

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