DENPASAR - The Ditpolairud team asked for information from the crew of KMP Yunicee who drowned in Gilimanuk, Bali strait. The examination was carried out to determine the chronology of the sinking of KMP Yunicee.

"Those who (asked for information) were crew members with (survived) passengers," said Director of Poldairud Bali Police Kombes Toni Ariadi Effendi when contacted, Thursday, July 1.

"We are clarifying the cause of the sinking of the KMP Yunicee ship. Because there were victims who died whether there was negligence or because of the weather and we are still clarifying from the statements of the crew, captain and passengers on the ship," he added.

TNI AL Finds the Location of KMP Yunicee

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Indonesian Navy Base (Danlanal) Denpasar Marine Colonel (F) I Komang Teguh Ardana, Danlanal Banyuwangi Marine Lt. Col. (F) Eros Wasis, and KRI Rigel-933 Commander Marine Lt. Col. (F) Jaenal Mutakim, joined the KMP search operation. Yunicee who drowned in the waters of the Bali Strait.

They boarded the KRI Rigel-933 which sailed in the waters of the Bali strait to carry out the SAR operation of KMP Yunicee.

The Indonesian Navy team found several items and locations of points on the seabed which were suspected to be from KMP Yunicee after it sank in the waters of the Bali Strait.

The Denpasar Lanal Commander, Marine Colonel (F) I Komang Teguh Ardana, explained that the position of KMP Yunicee had been found on Thursday, July 1 at 01.30 WIB.

KMP Yunicee is located at a depth of 72 -78 meters with a distance of approximately 362 meters from the nearest land and approximately 1.65 miles from Gilimanuk Harbor.

"Currently, we will continue to strive in carrying out the search for KMP Yunicee, and we also ask for prayers from the entire community so that this search activity can be completed properly and can provide satisfactory results," said Ardana.

He said the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Yudho Margono, ordered to assist in the SAR operation of KMP Yunicee.

"Until now, the TNI has deployed 3 KRIs, namely KRI Rigel-933, KRI Soputan-923, KRI Singa-651, and currently the position of all KRIs is in the southern waters of the Bali Strait," he added.

Meanwhile, the search post was divided into 2 places, namely the post at Gilimanuk Jembrana Port, Bali and the post at Ketapang Harbor, Banyuwangi.

"It is hoped that the victims of the ABK crew and passengers will be found soon. We also ask for support from the community, especially in the Bali area, to inform us. If they find or see something that may be part of the material or victims of the ABK KMP Yunicee," he said.

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