JAKARTA - The investigation into the sexual abuse of minors allegedly carried out by members of the National Police was taken over by the North Maluku Regional Police. The police officer who is suspected of committing the sexual abuse with the initials AG serves at the Halmahera Police Station.

"Based on the report, the investigators from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation together with the investigators of the Sat Reskrim Polres of North Halmahera carried out a case study on this case on Wednesday, June 30 yesterday and from the results of the case title, the case was upgraded from investigation to investigation and the handling of the case was taken over by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Regional Police. Malut starts today," said the Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Adip Rojikan in Ternate, as reported by Antara, Thursday, July 1.

From the data received, there are two police reports, namely LP/115/V/2021/PMU/Polres Halut/SPKT and LP/116/V//2021/PMU/Polres Halut/SPKT on 10 May 2021, with the reported initials AG who is suspected of having committed a criminal act of sexual abuse of a minor against JJL who is the adopted son of the reported wife, and is suspected of having committed a crime of sexual intercourse and obscenity against LL who is the sister of the reported wife.

Following up on the report, said Adip, North Halmahera Police investigators have made efforts to enforce the law by summoning and conducting investigations on witnesses and reported parties.

"Of course, investigators have examined eight witnesses and one person reported in this case," said Adip

Based on the results of the investigation by investigators in the LP/115/V/2021/PMU/Halut Police/SPKT case, the alleged molestation case occurred on May 2, 2021 at North Halmahera Beach.

Meanwhile for the LP/116/V//2021/PMU/Halut/SPKT case, it took place in 2020 to be exact on August 3, 2020, located on North Halmahera Beach.

"The scene is the same on the beach but the time of the incident is different, one of which was carried out in 2020," he said.

The Head of Public Relations said that the North Maluku Police would not tolerate crimes, whether those committed by the public or by law enforcement officers would be dealt with firmly.

"If the person is proven guilty and violates the law, we will take firm action through the general court and the Police's professional code of ethics with the heaviest threat," he said.

With that, he asked that this case be handed over to investigators and the North Maluku Police would be open and transparent to the public regarding developments in handling the case.

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