JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has been in the spotlight after inviting the public to travel to Raja Ampat amidst the increasing COVID-19 pandemic in the country. After a lot of polemics, this invitation was clarified and said it could be carried out after the pandemic was successfully controlled later.

When opening the Raja Ampat e-Festival event, Ma'ruf encouraged people to travel to the area to support the Proud Traveling Movement in Indonesia to accelerate economic recovery in the tourism sector.

"With regard to the Proud Traveling Movement in Indonesia, I invite all of us to travel to Raja Ampat, which is famous for its natural and cultural beauty," he said as quoted from the Vice President's YouTube channel, Tuesday, June 29.

"Travel while still implementing health protocols," added the former PBNU Rais Aam.

He hopes that with this movement, business actors can prepare products for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that support tourism activities such as souvenirs typical of West Papua that are in accordance with market interests and culinary centers with contemporary concepts but not forgetting their characteristics.

In addition, Ma'ruf also encourages tourism places such as in Raja Ampat to provide facilities for Muslim travelers. For example, such as places of prayer and halal culinary.

"I also want to encourage tourist destinations to provide facilities for Muslim travelers to feel comfortable and at home. Such as (providing, ed) places for prayer, halal food or restaurants," he said.

"The Proud Traveling Movement is also expected to support the achievement of elections in the tourism sector," added Ma'ruf.

Ma'ruf's invitation to travel to Raja Ampat became a highlight. The reason is that the narrative he conveys is considered different from President Jokowi's directives, which often asks people to stay at home and reduce mobility in the midst of the increasingly crazy rate of COVID-19 cases.

This was conveyed several times by the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, including when announcing the implementation of PPKM Mikro some time ago. At that time, Jokowi asked the public to stay at home.

"Once again I remind you, stay at home if there is no urgent need," Jokowi said as quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Monday, June 28.

Not only that, he also asked the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols and not hesitate to run the COVID-19 vaccination program if it was their turn.

Furthermore, Jokowi also ordered the central government to synergize with local governments and the ranks of the TNI-Polri to monitor the implementation of Micro PPKM in accordance with applicable regulations.

After being in the spotlight, the Spokesperson for the Vice President, Masduki Baidlowi said that Ma'ruf Amin's invitation at the event was actually only as preparation and tourism could be carried out after the COVID-19 pandemic subsided.

"I must emphasize that the purpose of the vice president's statement is in preparation for when the COVID-19 pandemic conditions have recovered and are safe, not at this time, when we are facing the COVID-19 pandemic with strict restrictions," said Masduki in a written statement to reporters.

He emphasized that Ma'ruf is a consistent figure and often invites all levels of society to be intensely involved in dealing with COVID-19 and its impacts.

Not only that, the former chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is also a person who obeys health protocols in everyday life. So, it is impossible for Ma'ruf to invite the public to travel amidst the increasing COVID-19 conditions.

"For this reason, I once again emphasize that the Vice President does not invite the public to travel in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, but rather encourages people to strictly implement health protocols to help people recover in Indonesia from the impact of the pandemic," said Masduki

Even when the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed, Ma'ruf still asks the public to be disciplined in implementing health protocols to control the spread of the virus. This, said Masduki, will certainly have an impact on economic recovery in various sectors including tourism.

"God willing, we can suppress the spread of COVID-19 and Indonesia will soon recover and be safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. That's when we revive the national economy, including activating tourism visits," he concluded.

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