BULELENG - The twin lakes in Buleleng Regency, Bali, are experiencing receding water. It is suspected that the shrinkage of the impact of forest destruction.

The chairman of the Dalem Tamblingan Indigenous Village Head, Kadek Andi Ristawan said that the decline in the water had occurred since 2020.

"This was about 2 years ago. It used to be 72 meters around 38 meters", Andi said, when contacted, June 29.

The water drop is estimated to be around 4 meters. It is suspected that the cause is the destruction of the Catur forest in Dalem Tamblingan Village. The forest in Catur Desa includes Munduk Village, Gobleg Village, Gesing Village in Banjar District, and Umejero Village in Busungbiu District.

"Actually, if the water recedes, it depends on the dry season and the rainy season. But now, even though the rainy season is still receding. The rains still don't make the water come up, it keeps like that and can be one meter down", he said.

"Actually, the lake water recedes a little, I have a feeling for the forest. If it used to be dense, now the forest is damaged. If, in my opinion, in the future, so that the forest can be preserved, don't rely on the Forestry Service, let us preserve this forest", said Andi.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Buleleng Regency Environmental Service, I Gede Melanderat, explained that the twin funds were the domain of the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA). However, his party has carried out monitoring and evaluation in the two lakes.

"When it comes to forest damage, no one can comment on land cover, right there there is owned land in the Comparison or Catur Desa there. Yes, owned land certainly greatly affects the ability of plants to supply water. That means, we can't also give a statement that now it's down because of this", Melanderat said.

If there is a decrease in water, it will have an impact on downstream areas that use Tamblingan Lake and Buyan Lake.

"If we talk about how severe it is, maybe Buleleng, whose springs are from these two lakes, must be prepared and careful in using water. So, its use must be really efficient so that it does not experience a decrease in discharge. So, we really really use it wisely", he said.

Confirmed separately, the Head of the Bali Natural Resources Conservation Agency (KSDA), Agus Budi Santosa, said that there was no deforestation in the area around Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan.

"Firstly, the receding waters, statistical data don't talk like that. Second, about the existence of massive illegal logging deforestation, again, statistical data from satellite images don't talk like that", he said.

"There is no (report). As for the quality of the water, I can't answer it, because the quality of the water level is a different matter. If the quality of the water, I will ask P3E", said Agus

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