MEDAN - Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Area Police, Iptu Rianto disguised himself as a marijuana buyer. From the results of his disguise, the police arrested the dealer and confiscated evidence of marijuana.

The marijuana dealer in Medan City who was arrested had the initials HS (48). From his hands, the police confiscated 10 kg of marijuana.

Medan Area Police Chief Kompol Faidir Chaniago said the perpetrator was arrested in the Medan Area District on Wednesday, June 23.

"We caught the suspect while selling marijuana packages of Rp. 20,000," said Commissioner Faidir, Tuesday, June 29.

The disclosure of the marijuana case was carried out by a search of the suspect's house in Tembung District, Deli Serdang Regency, and 10 kilograms of marijuana was found.

"The suspect admitted that he bought the marijuana from the man with the initials A (DPO) for Rp. 1 million and again sold the marijuana for Rp. 1.2 million," continued Kompol Faidir.

In addition to selling marijuana in large quantities, the suspect also sold small packages. The price varies from Rp. 10 thousand to Rp. 50 thousand.

"The suspect, who previously worked as a sandal trader, also admitted that it had been three months and that he had made the sale and purchase of marijuana four times," said Kompol Faidir.

The suspect was detained at the Medan Area Police Headquarters to undergo legal proceedings. The perpetrators were charged with Article 114 of the RI Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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