JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, assessed that the Indonesian National Army (TNI) needed strength in dealing with various sovereignty threats and improving the welfare of soldiers, including the anticipation of cyber attacks. According to Puan, Indonesia, as one of the countries with the largest internet users in the world, is also vulnerable to threats. cyber attacks. "DPR RI is highly committed through the functions of budgeting, legislation and supervision, to participate in supporting efforts to build the strength of the TNI in carrying out national defense, building a military defense posture by selecting the main weapon system (defense equipment) that is up-to-date, new, and in accordance with needs. ," said Puan in her statement, in Jakarta, Monday, while giving a public lecture to the 58th Batch Officers (Pasis) of the Air Force Command and Staff School (Sesko AU). He said the TNI needed a state defense system that had a geopolitical strategy, support for human resources, facilities and infrastructure for defense equipment qualified to defend, protect, and maintain the integrity and sovereignty of the state. According to him, national defense, as mandated by Law no. 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, was prepared taking into account the geographical conditions of Indonesia as an archipelagic country. He cited a report from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), in 2020 there were 9,749 cases of website hacking and 90,887 data leaks from information stealing malware activities in Indonesia. Cyber has emerged as a new threat to Indonesia's defense from military and non-military aspects. The development of cyber defense is an important agenda in the development of the MEF in the future," he said. Puan said strengthening the defense industry could also be one way to meet Indonesia's needs in accordance with Law No. 16 of 2012 concerning the Defense Industry. realizing the availability of defense and security equipment independently supported by the capabilities of the national defense industry and advancing the superiority of human resources. "The defense industry is one of the spearheads in developing defense systems independently, to build a 'deterence effect' against other countries, and an advantage. strategic position in the global order," she said. Puan conveyed that President Soekarno was a figure who emphasized geopolitics as a fundamental factor in Indonesia's defense system. Soekarno in the celebration of the Air Force Anniversary in 1951, said Indonesia must have a strong Air Force and be ready to align its position with the world's armed forces," he said. Puan said, at the Air Force Anniversary in 1955, President Soekarno also said "Control the air to carry out the national will, because national power in the air is a decisive factor in modern warfare." He explained, in the 1960s, the Indonesian Air Force grew into a highly respected force in Southeast Asia, with the procurement of defense equipment that was colored from the West Block and East Block. Based on records Global Fire Power (GFP), in January 2021, Indonesia was in the 16th position as the country with the strongest military power in the world, the first position in Southeast Asia as the country with the strongest military, and in the 9th position below Iran and above the Arabs. Saudi. "About defense equipment, we need to think long term about what legacy we can leave for Indonesia. Therefore, according to Puan, the national defense development policy towards minimum basic strength is directed at modernizing the main weapons system tools, increasing TNI professionalism, increasing the welfare of soldiers, and implemented through four strategies includes: revitalization, rematerialization, reallocation, and procurement. "In 2024 there will be national regeneration, the commitment of mutual cooperation to build a strong and prosperous Indonesia must start from now," he also said. could convince the people to feel confident that the TNI can protect the people. Puan's arrival at the Air Force Sesko was welcomed by the Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo, who was followed by planting a tree together.

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