JAKARTA - This year's private junior high school (SMP) scholarships in Surabaya, East Java are provided only for students whose parents are in the low-income category (MBR).

Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji said the Surabaya City Government cooperated with private schools to provide scholarships for 146 private junior high schools. "The condition for getting scholarships at private schools must be MBR. They will be exempt from all tuition fees," said Armuji, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 26.

According to Armuji, the scholarship program, which is part of the partner pathway for private junior high school students, will be implemented this year after the state junior high school's New Student Admission (PPDB) phase ends. How to register prospective students can open the PPDB.surabaya.go.id page, then follow the next guide.

Armuji explained that public and private schools are the same, because they can excel anywhere.

"The important thing is the intention to study. Arek Suroboyo must be enthusiastic about school so that he can raise the status of his family," he said.

For that, he said, the Surabaya City Government guarantees that every citizen of the MBR category can continue to pursue junior high school education through scholarships. The program is funded from the corporate social responsibility fund in Surabaya, including the foster parents program for MBR children. They are funded for 3 years or until graduation.

"The role of private schools cannot be left behind in providing education in Surabaya," he said.

The citizen partner pathway program for MBR students in private junior high schools is part of an effort to equalize the quality of education in the city of Surabaya.

"So, there is no disparity between public and private schools," he said.

Deputy Chairperson of the Surabaya DPRD, Reni Astuti, previously appealed and encouraged students and parents whose children have not had the opportunity to attend public schools, that anyone can achieve success, not limited to just not attending public schools.

According to him, success can be achieved with enthusiasm and perseverance in learning, both in public and private schools. He emphasized that Surabaya City children should not drop out of school because of financial constraints.

"If there is a problem with the cost of entering private junior high schools, Surabaya residents can take advantage of the municipal government program in collaboration with private schools through CSR funds and foster parent programs for underprivileged residents or MBR. broad," said Reni.

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