JAKARTA - Ir. Soekarno is a very smart scientist. Besides pursuing higher education as an architect, Bung Karno was also awarded 26 honoris causa doctorates, with details of 17 honorary doctorates from foreign universities and nine domestic campuses.

In short, Bung Karno had a scientific basis for architects, but his knowledge of politics, philosophy and other sciences could be taken into account.

This respectful view was expressed by the initiator of the Indonesian Innovator 4.0 Movement, Budiman Sudjatmiko, in Episode 25 of the 'Bung Karno Series' Talk Show and Music themed 'Bung Karno's Dreams and Asa in Science', which was broadcast on the Youtube channel of the PDI-P Central National Culture Agency, Friday, 25 June.

This interesting discussion session was guided by a young nationalist activist Jefri Adriansyah and presented a special greeting from the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia, Sung Yong Kim.

"Bung Karno is not just a learner of knowledge, but he is also a source of knowledge itself," said Budiman.

Budiman frankly, he has known and studied Bung Karno's way of thinking since he was in elementary school and junior high school.

“My first teacher for politics was Bung Karno. Likewise Bung Karno was my teacher of economics, history and philosophy. From this learning process, I learned that not only did I learn about Bung Karno's thoughts, but what served me was Bung Karno's way of thinking," said Budiman.

Bung Karno's thought pattern, according to him, was not only based on text, but also had to be seen in every context.

In addition, what Budiman always remembers is Bung Karno's words, "Don't inherit the ashes, inherit the fire."

"It means, if we want to learn from Bung Karno, the most interesting thing is his way of thinking, not just his thoughts," he said.

For Budiman, learning about Bung Karno is learning about philosophical, scientific and historical or historical thinking, because he learns from the wellspring of science, namely philosophy. From philosophy to mathematics, to hard science, then to social humanities.

"This process made Bung Karno have a vision that not many Dutch East Indies youth have, which is to imagine a republican state in the archipelago that has never existed before," explained the Chief Executive or CEO of the 'Bukit Algorithm' technology research program.

He explained that Bung Karno was an interdisciplinary thinker. This is what makes Bung Karno's mindset still relevant today.

“Take the fire not the ashes to be relevant. What should be taken from Bung Karno is his spirit. For now, it's no longer the time to divide science, whether it's biology, politics, and others," said Budiman.

Budiman underlined that Bung Karno was a teacher to study cross-disciplinary scientifically, philosophically and in accordance with his historical space and time.

This is none other than because our 'Big Brother' has started pioneering it since the age of 20. It can be seen from his scientific base studying architecture, writing about philosophy, economics, history and politics.

"To face the challenges of today's era, young Indonesians must learn like Bung Karno studied, and think like Bung Karno thought," concluded the politician who was actively involved in pioneering the drafting of the Village Law.

The discussion closed with the conclusion that Bung Karno was not a figure who only sought knowledge, but became a technology to convey what he learned from his behavior.

As stated by Bung Karno at the acceptance of the honoris causa doctorate from Gadjah Mada University, on September 19, 1951.

"For me, knowledge is only of full value if it is used to serve the practice of human life, or the practice of life for the nation, or the practice of life in the world of humanity."

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