JAKARTA - Regional Police (Polda) Metro Jaya has deployed hundreds of personnel who will later patrol areas that are in the red zone. They will appeal to the public to apply health protocols (prokes) because the spread of COVID-19 in Jakarta is getting worse.
"The strength of the existing traffic is about a hundred patrol cars, then Samapta is around 30 patrol vehicles, plus Pamobvit, Mobile Brigade Corps (Brimob), according to the zones and areas deemed necessary to increase discipline for the community", said Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran to journalists, Friday, June 25.
Not only reminding the public to implement the health protocols, the personnel who are deployed will also take action against violations of the health protocols. So, in this way the community can be disciplined to continue implementing the process.
"So we do patrols, make appeals, disperse crowds, distribute masks, and if there are violations as well as take action against those who are disobedient and obedient", said Fadil.
These patrolling personnel also support the mobility restriction scheme. So, 24 hours a day the community continues to implement the health protocols and the spread of COVID-19 can be suppressed.
"We continue to work on this, during the day, because at night we have implemented a mobility restriction program in several areas or roads that are considered prone to health protocol violations", said Fadil.
Previously, Polda Metro Jaya issued a policy regarding restrictions on vehicle mobility in 10 areas. In this policy, vehicles are only allowed to pass at certain hours.
Any vehicle may only pass before 21.00 p.m. until 04.00 a.m. In addition, the reason for implementing the policy is only in certain areas due to the high potential for the spread of COVID-19.
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