YOGYAKARTA - The King of the Ngayogyakarta Palace Hadiningrat Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has decided to temporarily close a number of tourist destinations belonging to the Yogyakarta Palace. The closure was carried out following the high number of cases of COVID-19 transmission in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

"The closure of the Keraton tourism is one of the efforts to suppress the addition of COVID-19 cases in DIY," said Penghageng Kawedanan Hageng Panitrapura Yogyakarta Palace, GKR Condrokirono, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 25.

According to Condrokirono, the temporary closure of the Yogyakarta Palace Tour will last for one week from Saturday, June 26 to Friday, July 2.

Closed tourist sites include the Keraton Train Museum, the Performance Complex, Keben/Kedhaton Complex (Palace Museum), Tamansari and Imogiri and Kotagede Temples.

According to GKR Condrokirono, the closure of the tourist attractions belonging to the Yogyakarta Palace was carried out by "dhawuh dalem" or an order from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

"This closure is carried out to protect the health of the extended family of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, Abdi Dalem, and the people of Yogyakarta from COVID-19," said the second daughter of Sultan HB X.

In addition, during the closure, a total cleaning and sterilization will be carried out at the tourist sites belonging to the palace.

The cleaning of tourist sites, according to him, is actually not only done during the pandemic, but also during normal situations on a regular basis.

"After the pandemic, cleaning is carried out more intensely and on a scheduled basis to minimize the spread of the virus. We are trying our best," he said.

He appealed to the public to continue to adhere to health protocols by wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility.

"Hopefully all of us will always be aware and stay introspective," said Condrokirono.

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