JAKARTA - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, reminded all parties that the handling of the pandemic requires equal frequency at the level of state institutions, as well as at the central and local government levels. This was conveyed by the President in his remarks at the Submission of the Examination Report on the Central Government Financial Statements (LHP LKPP). ) Year 2020 and the Summary of Semester II Examination Results (IHPS) of 2020, as well as the Submission of the Examination Results Report (LHP) of Semester II of 2020 virtually at the State Palace, Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, June 25. "I would like to remind all of us , that the pandemic is not over yet. We must be vigilant, and the situation we are facing is still in an extraordinary situation that must be responded to with fast and appropriate policies, which require the same frequency by all of us, both at the level of state institutions and all levels of the central government and regional governments. ," said the President. The President said that since the pandemic emerged in 2020 p The government has taken extraordinary steps including changing the state budget, refocusing and reallocating the budget at all levels of government, as well as providing space for relaxation of the state budget deficit so that it can be widened to more than 3 percent for 3 years. The government also encourages various state institutions to carry out mutual cooperation to bear the burden together, such as burden sharing carried out by the government with Bank Indonesia. With these various policy responses, said the President, Indonesia was able to handle the increase in health spending, and at the same time protect the economy from various pressures. "Although we experienced a deep contraction in the second quarter of 2020, which was minus 5.32 percent, but in the next quarter we passed a rock bottom, the Indonesian economy grew. improved until the first quarter we are at minus 0.74 percent," said the President.

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