JAKARTA - Ketum PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah Sunanto assessed that the discourse of changing the presidential office to 3 terms is something that is half serious. If serious then this discourse is possible by changing the constitution.

"It's not serious, because in the era of modern democracy, anyone has the right to have an opinion and discuss something. So it's normal," said Sunanto in his statement, Friday, June 25.

As someone who has struggled in the electoral world, Sunanto sees this discourse from the perspective of political education. As we all know, today Indonesia has a deficit of statesmen.

According to him, Jokowi will become a statesman if he sticks to his stance for only two terms. "If it can be done, in fact Pak Jokowi is also providing superior political education," he said.

As a reflection, continued Sunanto, in the Suharto era there used to be a kind of adage "No one is better than Pak Harto. If he is replaced, it's not necessarily the successor who can continue and be better. Pak Harto is better than the communists".

"And for 32 years Pak Harto was in power, then what happened? Democracy died, economic fundamentals were fragile, oligarchs thrived, those who were rich were those who were in Suharto's circle. In turn, those who pushed Suharto to continue in power, they were the ones who eventually brought him down. ," he explained.

On another piece of history, he continued, there is the highest education in democratic values exemplified by Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur. How a president came out of the palace in short shorts to become a commoner. An egalitarian who is humble, and puts the constitution above self-interest.

"Even when the accusations against him ended up being mere slander, he never blamed the government, took it easy and didn't make a mass demonstration," said Sunanto.

Sunanto considered that Gus Dur's political education provided an example that a statesman must be ready to accept and let go. Whatever happens, laws and laws are still placed with respect as a source of resolving political problems.

Similar to the current Jokowi era, the adage "Jokowi is better for three terms than Kadrun", said those who wanted the discourse.

"What Jokowi wants to continue with the third period are those in his circle of power. Jokowi has repeatedly refused. But they continue to talk. Why? Maybe because Suharto's education is more popular than Gus Dur's political education," he said.

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