JAKARTA - The Regional Tax and Retribution Agency (BPRD) has created a new strategy to target revenue from taxes. You do this by attaching stickers to all cars in Jakarta that are still in tax arrears.

This is because the actual tax revenue this year has only reached 80 percent of the tax revenue target of Rp.44.54 trillion. One of them, there are still motor vehicle tax arrears (PKB) of around Rp. 2 trillion.

"Not only luxury cars, we will put stickers on all cars in arrears in DKI Jakarta. Now this is an effect so that they will immediately pay off their taxes," said BPRD Head Faisal Syafruddin at the DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 5.

This sticker is similar to a sealing house or shop where the owner has not paid property tax. Later, cars that are still in tax arrears will have a sticker that says 'this vehicle has not paid tax'.

The sticker will be installed if luxury car tax arrears ignore the notification from the authorities three times in three weeks. "So, after an appeal, then one to three months there was no payment, we immediately put up a sticker," said Faisal.

Another effort is that BPRD is currently undergoing a door to door scheme, namely going directly to the home address of tax arrears to appeal to immediate payments. "Today we are going down to North Jakarta, yesterday we also went down to South Jakarta, and tomorrow the day after tomorrow we will go down to five regions, all of them," he said.

Therefore, if tax arrears don't want everyone to know that he has still not paid off his obligations as taxpayers, Faisal asked them to immediately pay their taxes.

Moreover, currently DKI Pemprov is providing tax payment relief. For those who have been in arrears for their PKB or BBNKB since 2012, they will be given a tax base discount of 50 percent. As for the 2013-2016 tax arrears, a 25 percent relief will be given.

In addition to reducing the tax base, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also eliminates fines or administrative sanctions for taxpayers who are in tax arrears.

"We hope that tax arrears in DKI Jakarta will immediately use this opportunity. Because next year we may not do it again, next year we will carry out law enforcement," he explained.

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