JAKARTA - The National Police apologized for the actions of a member of the Jailolo Police, North Maluku, Brigadier Nikmal Idwar, who raped a minor. The police officer will be fired as a punishment.

"The Indonesian National Police apologizes to the Indonesian people for the suspect's heinous and barbaric act," said the Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in a statement, Thursday, June 24.

The sanction for dismissal of Brigadier Nikmal Idwar, continued Sambo, would be through the National Police's Professional Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) hearing which is regulated in Article 35 of Law number 2 of 2002. In addition, the investigation process related to non-crime will also be carried out.

"Any police officer who commits a disgraceful act and causes a commotion in the community will be dealt with immediately, indiscriminately," said Sambo.

Meanwhile, the North Maluku Police will also provide assistance to victims. This is a form of accountability.

Brigadier Nikmal was named a suspect in the case of raping a minor. In this case, he faces a maximum sentence of up to 15 years in prison.

Because, First Brigadier Nikmal is suspected of Article 76D, Article 76E in conjunction with Article 80 paragraph (1) and Article 81 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

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