JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) has not yet decided to file an appeal against the appeal decision of the defendant Pinangki Sirna Malasari at the DKI Jakarta High Court. At the appeal level, the panel of judges reduced Pinangki's prison sentence from 10 years to four years.

Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (JAMPidsus) at the Attorney General's Office, Ali Mukartono, said that until now his party had not received a copy of Pinangki's appeal decision from the Jakarta High Court.

"Haven't received (the copy) yet," said Ali, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 23.

Previously, Ali said the public prosecutor would first study the decision of the Jakarta High Court panel of judges, before making a decision whether to take the legal step of cassation or not.

Since the appeal decision was read on Monday (14/6), the public prosecutor (JPU) of the Central Jakarta District Attorney and the Attorney General's Office are still waiting for a copy of the decision from the DKI Jakarta High Court.

A week after Pinangki's appeal was granted, Ali stated that until now his party had not received a copy of the Jakarta High Court's decision.

Ali asked reporters why he always pursued news about Pinangki. According to Ali, there are many suspects in this case, so you don't have to focus on one Pinangki.

"Why is Pinangki being chased, there are a lot of related suspects," he said.

When the reporter explained that Pinangki's appeal became a public concern, the judge's consideration of granting his appeal was considered to have violated the sense of justice.

The reason the judge granted Pinangki's appeal was because he acknowledged and regretted his actions, as well as being the mother of a four-year-old child so that he deserved the opportunity to take care of him.

The public even compared the verdict of the DKI Jakarta High Court against Pinangki with the sentence received by Angelina Sondakh, which was actually aggravated at the cassation level. Also compared with a mother in Aceh who was detained with her child for being involved in the case of Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

"This case caused turmoil in society," said one journalist.

Ali then replied that it was the media or journalists who made news related to Pinangki volatile.

"Who is the one who stirs up yourself, are you (journalists-ed)," said Ali.

According to Ali, the Pinangki case is different from other cases. Apart from Pinangki, in this case there are also other suspects that need attention.

He said the court's decision was clear, and his party respected the judge's decision.

"The court's decision is clear, right! We are waiting for another suspect, there are still many suspects, that's one unit," said Ali.

Ali also mentioned in the Pinangki case that the state got a car. While other suspects are difficult to trace.

"In fact, from Pinangki, the state can get a car. It's difficult for others to track it," said Ali.

The car that Ali was referring to was a BMW X-5 which was seized by the judge to be returned to the state for allegedly being the result of corruption.

Previously, the Jakarta Corruption Court sentenced Pinangki Sirna Malasari to 10 years in prison. In addition, Pinangki was sentenced to pay a fine of Rp. 600 million, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

However, the DKI Jakarta High Court at the appeal hearing on Monday, June 14 cut Pinangki's sentence from 10 years to four years.

In this case, Pinangki was proven to have committed three criminal acts, namely first being proven to have received a bribe of 500 thousand US dollars from the convict of the Bank Bali "cessie" case, Djoko Tjandra.

The money was given with the aim that Djoko Tjandra can return to Indonesia without having to be sentenced to two years in prison based on the Judicial Review Decision No. 12 dated 11 June 2009.

Pinangki participated in compiling an "action plan" containing 10 stages of implementation to request a fatwa from the Supreme Court (MA) on Djoko Tjandra's judicial review decision by including the initials "BR" namely Burhanuddin as an official at the Attorney General's Office and "HA" namely Hatta Ali as an official. in MA at a cost of 10 million US dollars but only 500 thousand US dollars was given as a down payment.

The second act was that Pinangki was proven guilty of laundering US$375,279 or equivalent to Rp5,253,905,036.

The money was part of the bribes given by Djoko Tjandra. The forms of money laundering include buying a blue BMW X5, paying for an apartment rental in the United States, paying for a beauty doctor in the US, paying for a "home care" doctor, paying for an apartment rental, and paying a credit card.

The third act was that Pinangki conspired with Andi Irfan Jaya, Anita Kolopaking, and Djoko Tjandra to promise something in the form of 10 million US dollars to officials at the AGO and the Supreme Court to thwart the execution of Djoko Tjandra as stated in the "action plan".

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