SURABAYA - Two Madurese who were infected with COVID-19, the Delta variant from India, recovered. The two men recovered after more than two weeks of treatment at the Indrapura Field Hospital (RSLI) Surabaya.

"Of the four people being treated, the two COVID-19 patients with the delta variant have recovered and have gone home," said the person in charge of the Surabaya RSLI, Admiral TNI I Dewa Gede Nalendra, confirmed on Tuesday, June 22, 2021.

According to Nalendra, the two patients who were confirmed to be cured were based on negative PCR swab test results. Both had experienced mild symptoms when they were first treated at the RSLI. For example, a patient from Bangkalan experienced symptoms such as fever, and a resident of Sampang experienced symptoms of fever.

"But the symptoms are mild, and both have no comorbidities," he said.

With the recovery of the two delta variant patients, Nalendra appealed to the public not to be afraid. Most importantly, he said, the public must remain vigilant and strictly discipline health protocols (prokes), such as wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds.

Moreover, said Nalendra, the typology of the delta variant spreads faster, the damage is faster, if not handled immediately. "Therefore, let's all maintain the process, reduce mobility and avoid eating together, are steps that must be carried out as long as the pandemic is not over," he said.

Meanwhile, for COVID-19 patients who have recovered, Nalendra advised to always carry out health procedures consistently. Then try to maintain and increase the body's immunity through nutritious food, and vitamins.

"Especially foods that come from fruits. Then rest when the body starts to feel tired, both physically and mentally or mentally," he said.

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