KALIMANTAN - The Illegal Charges Sweeping Task Force (Saber Pungli Task Force) has carried out 60,403 hand arrest operations (OTT) by securing evidence (barbuk) worth Rp325 billion. In this case as many as 58,680 people have been detained.

"East Kalimantan is the area with the largest value of extortion confiscations disclosed, which is Rp298 billion," said Chief of the Saber Extortion Task Force Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto in Banjarmasin as reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 22.

Since it was formed based on Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2016 on October 28, 2016 until May 31, 2021, the Saber Pungli Task Force has received 37,746 reports or public complaints from all over the country.

In addition to taking action, the existing Saber Extortion Task Force up to the district and city levels, namely the Extortion Eradication Unit (UPP) also carried out socialization of 2,204,218 activities and 48,561 intelligence operations.

Agung stated that the existence of the Saber Extortion Task Force was not only about law enforcement. But also prevention efforts through socialization and education activities to all public service providers and the wider community.

"We must raise awareness that extortion is very damaging to the joints of life. It's not about the value of money, big or small, but bad intentions and actions must be eliminated for the sake of realizing public services according to procedures as expected," explained Agung, who also serves as Inspector of General Supervision of the National Police. (Irwasum Polri).

Agung hopes that the public can take advantage of the Dumas Presisi application, which is an integrated public complaint service owned by the Police.

Through this application, it is hoped that the public will no longer hesitate to submit complaints or complaints in the context of increasing the professionalism of the performance of Bhayangkara personnel towards a Precise Police (Predictive, Responsibility, Transparency with Justice).

Agung was present to Bumi Lambung Mangkurat in the launching of Tanah Laut Regency as a model for extortion-free cities in South Kalimantan.

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