JAKARTA - Supporters and sympathizers of Rizieq Shihab will go to the East Jakarta District Court during the hearing on the verdict of the UMMI Hospital swab case on Thursday, June 24.

So is there any anticipation from the security forces regarding this news? Police said they had not received this information. For this reason, the police have not been able to confirm the scheme and the number of personnel deployed to secure Rizieq Shihab's trial.

"Still waiting for information," said East Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Erwin Kurniawan to reporters, Tuesday, June 22.

It's just that, he said, regarding the security scheme at the trial verdict is still in the process of being discussed. All efforts and steps taken are based on conditions and potentials that will occur.

"Because the deployment of personnel always considers updated information in the field," he said.

However, Erwin appealed to Rizieq Shihab's supporters not to come to court and stay at home. This is certainly not without reason.

According to him, the reason is the very high spread of COVID-19 in Jakarta. The presence of Rizieq's supporters will cause a crowd.

"We hope that the public takes into account the situation in Jakarta, which is not doing well due to many being exposed to the COVID-19 virus, as much as possible to avoid gathering or crowding, especially with people we don't know are carrying the Covid-19 virus," he said.

Meanwhile, the Alumni Association (PA) 212 stated that it did not have the authority to detain Rizieq Shihab's supporters who would come during the trial for the UMMI Hospital's swab test case at the East Jakarta District Court.

News of the arrival of supporters circulated via video. Their attitude is that the result of the statement by the Public Prosecutor regarding the status of the High Priest from Rizieq is just a figment.

"We certainly cannot and do not have the authority to stop the enthusiasm of lovers of the High Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab," said Deputy Secretary General of PA 212 Novel Bamukmin.

Novel said, it was entirely up to Rizieq's supporters to respond to the prosecutor's statement. So, it does not prohibit if it will be present at the East Jakarta District Court.

"That way, we PA 212 leave it to Muslims, especially IB HRS lovers to respond to the provocations made by the prosecutor," said Novel.

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