DENPASAR - President Jokowi's Special Staff Angkie Yudistia asked that the provision of the COVID-19 vaccine to persons with disabilities should be a priority.

"Vaccination for people with disabilities is prioritized, considering that this vulnerable group is prioritized so that their health can recover and the economy can be helped and revived," said Angkie Yudistia when meeting with the Deputy Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati in Denpasar City, Bali, Monday, June 21.

He said the government through the Ministry of Health had issued a Circular Letter of the Ministry of Health Number HK.02.01/MENKES/598/2021 concerning the Acceleration of the Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination for the Elderly, People with Disabilities, as well as Educators and Education Personnel.

With the letter, it is hoped that regional heads can implement the policy by prioritizing people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups to get COVID-19 vaccinations.

"Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2019 there were more than 30 million people with disabilities in Indonesia. Therefore, vaccination for people with disabilities should be a priority," he said as reported by Antara.

Salah seorang warga yang menjalani vaksinasi. (Foto Antara)
One of the residents who underwent vaccination. (Intermediate Photo)

During the meeting, Angkie and the Deputy Governor of Bali discussed a number of issues regarding disability, especially the vaccination plan for disabilities, including the establishment of the National Commission for Disabilities or KND.

Angkie Yudistia added that the working visit was part of the synergy between the central government and local governments to socialize various government programs to the regions.

"Today's meeting is a form of synergy between the central government and local governments, according to the direction of President Joko Widodo on December 3, 2020, National Disability Day said, people with disabilities should not be left behind in every government program," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, said that COVID-19 vaccination for people with disabilities is a special concern for the Bali Provincial Government.

In order to speed up the implementation of vaccinations for disabilities, his party cooperates with the community of people with disabilities in the area.

"So none of our residents (people with disabilities) have not been vaccinated. Now the problem is that if no one has been vaccinated, it's more because they have high blood pressure or have serious illnesses," he said in response to Angkie Yudistia, President Jokowi's Special Staff, regarding COVID-19 vaccination

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