JAKARTA - Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra Bobby Nasution reminded his staff not to carry out illegal collections (extortion), especially in the education environment.

"I remind you that there should be no extortion in every structure in the ranks of the Medan City Government, down to the bottom, especially with regard to education," he said after monitoring the face-to-face learning trial at SMPN 1 Medan, as reported by Antara, Monday, June 21.

According to him, acts of extortion carried out in the school environment indirectly educate students to do so.

"Let us not act as educators, who teach, but behind it, we indirectly teach extortion, corruption. This will surely be carried away, carried over to our children, students at school," he said.


He also emphasized that the education office and schools should not play with the education budget, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Our budget is already limited, don't take it anymore. I don't want to hear anymore from teaching staff, principals playing with budgets, that's the message I always convey," he said.

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