SALATIGA - Central Java Governor, Ganjar Pranowo, asked survivors to participate in socializing through various social media about the dangers of the new variant of COVID-19, namely the Delta variant which has been detected in several areas.

"I ask them (COVID-19 survivors, ed.) to participate in socializing with the community because some of them are from work clusters, worship, and some are from families. I hope they can tell stories, I ask 'engagers' so they can educate the public", he said while visiting Salatiga City, quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 20.

Videos made by COVID-19 survivors or patients undergoing isolation are requested to be uploaded to social media.

Ganjar also directly asked the survivors to become agents of socialization of health protocols in their respective environments.

"I ask these friends when they are healthy to become officers (agents, ed.) to remind those who do not obey health protocols", he said.

Before visiting the centralized isolation area, Ganjar accompanied by the Deputy Mayor of Salatiga, Muh Haris, took the time to stop at the Salatiga Hospital.

At the hospital owned by the local government, the isolation room occupancy rate has reached 91 percent and the ICU room is full.

The Semarang City Health Office and the Salatiga Regional Hospital are ready to convert the VIP inpatient building consisting of three floors to be used as an isolation room for COVID-19 patients who require intensive care, while the ICU room is planned to be added to six rooms.

For a centralized isolation place, apart from Wisma Widya Graha, the Synod LP3S also prepared a place in the Plantation Service complex of Central Java Province on Hasanudin Street, Salatiga.

"Salatiga is still under control, but I still ask to calculate it so that if cases rise, we can be prepared to anticipate", he said.

This includes volunteers from nurses who have been prepared by the Salatiga City Government.

"They serve and this method can be used to support human resources that are not permanent in nature. These nurses can help to solve the problems that exist here", he said.

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