JAKARTA - The Inspectorate of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan (Kalbar) found allegations of overpayment of family allowances for Civil Servants (PNS). The civil servant teacher included his stepdaughter in the salary allowance.

"We will coordinate this matter with the Kapuas Hulu Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), because we do not yet have a rule regarding stepchildren entering civil servant benefits, there are only biological children and adopted children," said Head of the Kapuas Hulu Inspectorate Bung Tomo to Antara in Putussibau, Friday, June 18.

In the provisions, a civil servant can include only 2 children in the allowance, namely biological children and adopted children; The age limit is 25 years if you are in college and 21 years if you are not in college.

Meanwhile, a child who is married can no longer be included in the family allowance of a civil servant.

Especially for adopted children, said Bung Tomo, a civil servant must be able to have and show a decision letter from the district court in the form of custody or adoption.

"We have not received a copy from the Kapuas Hulu BKPSDM regarding the stepchild regulation, whether or not it is allowed to be included in the salary allowance of a civil servant, but we will coordinate it," said Bung Tomo.

A civil servant teacher with the initials FW admitted that he had been summoned by the Kapuas Hulu inspectorate regarding his stepdaughter being included in the salary allowance.

FW admitted that his two children were included in the allowance. One biological child and one stepdaughter from 2016-2021 with a total of Rp9,259,762 according to the inspectorate's calculations.

"What is questioned by the inspectorate is my stepdaughter, even though I legally married his biological father, who is not a civil servant, automatically the child becomes our child and I have conveyed it to the inspectorate, so there is still no decision on the matter," said FW.

FW hopes that this issue will be studied by the Kapuas Hulu Inspectorate, if there is a rule that stepchildren may not be included in the salary allowance, it must be clear.

"If there is a rule prohibiting stepchildren who are still students from being included in the salary allowance, I am ready to return it according to the applicable rules, but if there are no rules or there are rules that allow me to ask for socialization so that similar incidents do not happen again," FW asked

Separately, Head of Data, Discipline and Employee Welfare of the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development Kapuas Hulu Baharudin said that a stepchild can enter family allowances from a legal marriage, whether it is the child of a civil servant or a non-civil servant, automatically becomes a child. both.

"Automatically, children and husbands or children and wives will be dependents of civil servants even if they are stepchildren as long as according to the provisions, only two children are allowed," said Baharudin.

Baharudin admitted that he had received a copy of the audit from the Inspectorate, but it was hoped that there would be accurate data validation from each regional apparatus organization.

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