JAKARTA - The Muhammadiyah Central Executive asked the government to review the face-to-face learning (PTM) policy in line with the soaring cases of COVID-19 transmission accompanied by the emergence of a new variant of the corona virus. The current pandemic situation is increasing. The rights of children as well as teachers and education personnel need to be protected as well as possible," said Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nashir in a written statement on Friday. Haedar wanted PTM not to be carried out in a hurry and must be conceptualized carefully. In order to protect the safety of all parties, while seeking and implementing creative, innovative and breakthrough steps in the implementation of PTM. According to him, an emergency situation requires a special policy approach and requires the seriousness of the government and all educational institution administrators in Indonesia. In addition, families must also move together in the success of PTM because the true obligation to educate lies with the parents. "Especially for children in a family environment with limited facilities for online learning, the Ministry of Education and Culture is required to make policies and breakthrough steps that provide solutions. for the nation's children with limited conditions," he said.

In addition to PTM, Muhammadiyah also encourages the government to take appropriate steps in economic recovery, especially for those affected by COVID-19. Economic recovery must be in line with and not sacrifice efforts to handle COVID-19 which involves saving lives and the health of citizens. Haedar also invites the public to ease the task of health workers by stopping activities that are unproductive at the same time that can cause the occurrence and spread of the chain of transmission. "Especially for residents and components of the nation are invited to jointly overcome COVID-19 as a form of collective responsibility in dealing with disasters. Not only that, Haedar urged controversial statements from elites and citizens, especially through mass media and social media that create noise, conflict, and encourage people not to perc due to COVID-19 and vaccinations are stopped. "These controversial views have the potential to trigger people to be ignorant and violate health protocols or act indifferent to the situation and efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. Prove that the Indonesian people are intelligent, knowledgeable, have noble character, are responsible, and uphold togetherness which can be a positive force," he said.

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