JAKARTA - Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives continues to highlight the development of COVID-19 cases, which are increasing day by day. The health commission reminded the government to always and tirelessly urge the public to implement strict health protocols.

Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX of the DPR Melkiades Laka Lena asked the government to increase testing tracing so that a map of the spread of COVID-19 could be drawn.

"Strengthen the capacity of RT/RW hamlets, villages, villages in carrying out testing tracing and self-isolation of mild positive patients or OTG," said Melki in a statement, Friday, June 18.

He emphasized that the implementation of health protocols must be tightened in all regions. Especially the implementation of micro-scale PPKM at the level of RT/RW, hamlets, villages, villages and sub-districts is again carried out in a more disciplined manner.

"Without compromise in the future," said Melki.

The NTT legislator also asked the government to strengthen the consolidation of health workers and first-level health facilities, namely puskesmas and clinics, COVID-19 referral hospitals and centralized isolation at the sub-district or district level.

"Sharing tasks and responsibilities in handling spikes in cases in each region," said Melki.

In addition to cooperation between regions and hospitals, according to him, the government is also obliged to prepare support staff if there are certain areas that are categorized as red or even black zones because the cases are soaring high.

"Public facilities and public transportation need to be strictly limited in the current situation. Reduce crowds for a long time. Online meetings and events take precedence over face-to-face meetings," he said.

In line with the leadership, member of the House of Representatives Commission IX, Netty Prasetiyani Aher, asked the government to be vigilant and move quickly to deal with the surge in COVID-19 cases that occurred in a number of regions. He also emphasized the importance of 3T (testing, tracing and treatment) and prokes enforcement.

"If it is measured per city or district, I believe that there are many areas whose test capacity is still below global standards. In fact, testing and tracing is very important to reduce the potential for transmission," said Netty, Friday, June 18.

According to the PKS politician, this spike in cases should be an alarm for the government to be vigilant and immediately move quickly to take anticipatory steps by increasing testing.

"Don't let us just stutter after more and more red zone areas," he continued.

As reported, the COVID-19 Task Force stated that as of June 15, 2021, the red zone had become 29 regencies/cities, the most on the island of Sumatra, namely 17 regencies/cities. Central Java is the province with the largest number of red zone areas, namely Wonogiri, Kudus, Grobogan, Tegal, Sragen, Semarang, Jepara.

Thus, Netty asked the government to ensure that health facilities are ready to respond to a surge in cases in various regions.

“Prepare sufficient hospital capacity, especially in red zone areas. Hospitals in areas that are not red zones should also be prepared to help treat patients. The bed occupancy ratio (BOR) in each area must be continuously monitored," he said.

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