JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) officially announced the joining of the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso, to this party, Thursday, June 17.

In an announcement on social media, the DPP of the NasDem Party welcomed and fought with the National Democratic Party to Sutiyoso. “Former DKI Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso has officially joined the Nasdem Party. Welcome and good luck with the Nasdem Bang Yos Party. Let's unite and fight together to serve in building the country and at the same time raising the Nasdem Party," wrote the NasDem Party DPP quoted from its official Twitter @NasDem which was uploaded on Thursday, June 17.

Sutiyoso said that his decision to join the NasDem Party began with his meeting with the General Chair, Surya Paloh. His close relationship with Surya Paloh was one of the factors that made him want to join the NasDem Party. “To be honest, I have a close relationship with Pak Surya Paloh. I started as Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command first," said Sutiyoso.

Apart from having a close relationship with Surya Paloh, Sutiyoso admitted that he had other motives for joining the NasDem Party. "Because they want to continue to serve in building the country. One of them is through political parties," he said.

After officially joining, Sutiyoso was given a position as a Member of the Advisory Council of the National Democratic Party.

Sutiyoso served as Head of BIN from July 8, 2015 to September 9, 2016. Prior to serving as Head of BIN, he served as Deputy Commander of Kopassus (1992-1993), Commander of the Korem Suryakencana Bogor (1993-1994), Chief of Staff of Kodam Jaya, November (1995-93). 1996) and Commander of Kodam Jaya (1996-1997). One of the most famous military operations that Sutiyoso has carried out is the East Timor Border Intelligence Operation (clandestine infiltration) in 1974.

Advantages of NasDem Gaining Sutiyoso
The NasDem Party considers the presence of Bang Yos, as he is known, to be useful for the internal sphere of the party created by Surya Paloh. "We are grateful that people of the same capacity, of Bang Yos' caliber, can join us. Of course, there are many things that can be transferred and imitated from him. "With his experiences, his flying hours as a retired officer, as a governor, as a party leader, as a former Head of BIN, of course, there are many things that can be useful for NasDem," said NasDem DPP Chairman Willy Aditya, Thursday, June 17.

Political observer Adi Prayitno assessed that the joining of the former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to the NasDem Party was a sophisticated political operation. Moreover, Sutiyoso immediately became a member of the Advisory Council.

As for the advantages, according to Adi, first, NasDem gets injections of important figures who in many ways have many followers and networks.

"Experience as a former soldier, governor of DKI for two terms, and former chairman of the PKPI, will certainly make NasDem more ready to face the 2024 election competition," Adi told reporters, June 17.

Bang Yos, said Adi, who is a retired lieutenant general or lieutenant general can get support from former soldiers. "Secondly, Sutiyoso can embrace former soldiers who are interested in politics. The actual voter segment is relatively significant if taken seriously," said the Director of Political Parameters. Third, he has quite sophisticated ex-soldier political guerrilla abilities. Moreover, Sutiyoso had served as Wadanjen Kopassus to Pangdam Jaya before finally being appointed by President Jokowi as Head of BIN in 2015. "Former soldiers must be trained in field work, building a political base, and of course the political guerrillas are sophisticated. It is not surprising that lately many parties are competing to attract alumni figures military," said Adi. Lastly, he added, Sutiyoso gave an important lesson for former soldiers who wanted to do politics.

"You have to make or join a party without having to take over someone else's party," Adi emphasized.

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