MEDAN - In addition to the silting and narrowing of the river, the poor drainage system is also a trigger for flooding in the city of Medan.

The solution to overcome this is that the existing rivers and drainage must be normalized in order to increase their capacity again. Specifically for river normalization, there are 3 rivers that have been approved by the Sumatra River Basin Center (BWSS) II, namely the Babura, Bedera, and Deli rivers to be implemented.

So that the normalization of the three rivers will produce significant results in an effort to overcome flooding, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asked for drainage improvements, especially urban drainage.

Bobby Nasution wants the drainage improvements to be clear and measurable. This means that drainage improvements must begin with good technical planning. After that, it is followed by physical development. Bobby Nasution does not want to be like the current drainage conditions, it is not clear which direction the water flows.

That's why Bobby Nasution is still not satisfied with the drainage normalization that has been carried out by the Medan City Public Works (PU) with personnel handling public infrastructure and facilities (P3SU) along 281 km of the total drainage length in Medan City of around 1,800 km.

Bobby Nasution hopes that the Public Works Department can do more so that the problems of flooding and puddles that residents always complain about can be overcome, such as upgrading dimensions, maintenance, and repairs as an effort to prevent flooding.

Head of Public Works Department of Medan City, Zulfansyah Ali Saputra, is ready to follow up on Bobby Nasution's orders to address the flood problem in Medan City, including eliminating 500 puddles that occur every time it rains heavily.

Quoted from the Medan City Government statement, Zulfansyah said the normalization of drainage along the 281 km that had been carried out included the Sulang Saling Trench and the Ginger Street drainage. The normalization that was carried out, said Zulfansyah, managed to overcome 50 puddles.

Meanwhile, Zulfansyah emphasized that the other 450 puddle points will also be resolved by carrying out normalization in stages. This is because the problem of inundation that occurs is not purely due to poor drainage, but is also caused by the silting of the river. For that, he added, the Department of Public Works will work simultaneously, integrate and synergize.

"For example, if you want to resolve flooding in the North Sumatra University (USU) Campus area on Dr. Mansyur street, Medan, the Babura River must be normalized first. To carry out normalization, of course, must collaborate with BWSS II. Alhamdulillah, BWSS II has agreed to normalize three rivers, namely Babura, Deli, and Bedera rivers," he explained.

In accordance with the Mayor's Regulation (Perwal) No.18/2021 concerning Delegation of Waste Management Authority to the District Head in the Medan City Government. So that the sub-district head, the village head, and the head of the environment must take full responsibility for the cleanliness of the environment.

Sub-districts throughout the city of Medan have implemented hygiene patrols carried out by sub-district officers.

There is also a schedule for transporting the waste, which is at 06.00 western Indonesia time, and at 08.00 western Indonesia time, the truck has applied the protocol road.

Night patrols are carried out starting at 20.00 western Indonesia time until finished. For people who violate/are caught littering by officers will be subjected to sanctions in the form of guidance and make a statement not to repeat it.

"If it happens again or repeats it again, the person concerned will be subjected to sanctions in accordance with Medan City Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 6 of 2015," said the statement from the Medan City Government.

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