JAKARTA - Airlangga Hartarto has been officially appointed as General Chair of the Golkar Party for the 2019-2024 period. The decision was made in the VI Plenary Session, X Golkar Party's National Conference (Munas).
Airlangga obtained this position without the need for hard work. His path to lead the banyan party got smoother after his competitor, Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) withdrew from his candidacy. Bamsoet declared his resignation after meeting Airlangga, Golkar Senior Politician Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, and Aburizal Bakrie at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment before the opening of the X Munas.
Since the resignation of Bamsoet in the candidacy contest for Golkar party chairman, the door to acclamation is wide open for Airlangga. This is because the remaining candidates are not strong enough to fight Airlangga.
The determination of the general chairman, which was supposed to be scheduled for today, was hastened and decided overnight in the VI plenary session. The approval was made after listening to the general views of DPD I and II. As well as the Golkar Party Ormas which unanimously stated their support for Airlangga. He was re-elected with 100 percent acclamation.
In general view, as many as 558 voting rights holders expressed support for Airlangga. The chairperson of the session led by Azis Syamsuddin asked all Munas participants to immediately appoint the Coordinating Minister for the Economy as Ketum. Then, this was agreed by the Chief Secretary of the Sarmuji Congregation.
"To determine the decision of the X Golkar National Conference regarding the General Chairperson of the Golkar DPP for the 2019-2024 term. First to appoint and validate Airlangga as the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP for the 2019-2024 term," said Sarmuji when reading the decision of the X Golkar National Conference, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta, Kuningan, Wednesday, December 4.
The next decision, Airlangga also stated that he would concurrently be the chairman of the single formation for the 2019-2024 Golkar Party DPP management.
"The two General Chairmen of the Golkar DPP for the 2019-2024 term of office are the chairman and concurrently chairman of the formatur with the full mandate of compiling Golkar's issues for the 2019-2024 term," he said.
Airlangga's election by acclamation had been predicted beforehand. Chairman of the DPP Golkar, Ace Hasan Syadzily, said that the majority of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) level I supported Airlangga. According to Ace, DPD level I support will usually be followed by DPD level II.
"If the views in the regions and the founding organizations of Golkar express support for Airlangga, that will be the basis for the plenary session afterward," said Ace.

The place for Bamsoet Loyalists
In order to prevent a split within Golkar, the senior figure of the Golkar Party, Akbar Tandjung, suggested Airlangga Hartarto to give a place to the loyalist Bambang Soesatyo. According to him, this was to show that Airlangga's leadership was accommodating.
"It's better if given a place, if you really want to embrace. But, still the size is right or not. PDLT (achievement, dedication, loyalty and beyond reproach) must be the benchmark for a person to enter the management," said Akbar.
After being officially appointed as general chairman, Airlangga Hartarto claimed that his communication with Bamsoet went smoothly. This was proven by a joint statement before the media when Bamsoet stated that he was resigning from the candidate exchange for Golkar chairman.
Regarding the request for the Bamsoet camp to be embraced in the upcoming management, Airlangga said that the majority of Golkar cadres who are in the ranks of Bamsoet supporters are members of the Golkar Party DPP. He considered, there was no need for anything special to be done regarding the resignation of Bamsoet.
"They became my signature committee two years ago, including Pak Bamsoet who signed me as well. So I don't think it's an issue anymore, because they are the Golkar administrators that I recruited," said Airlangga after being appointed as chairman.
When asked about the party's management structure, Arilangga revealed further. He only suggested waiting for the next day. Moreover, as the holder of the mandate, he was given 60 days.
"Later, tomorrow it will be discussed. Earlier the formulation was decided by the chairperson," he said.
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