SURABAYA - The bed occupancy rate of the Indrapura Surabaya field hospital is almost full, reaching 80 percent. The reason is because of the delegation of COVID-19 patients from Bangkalan Regency, Madura.

"Out of a total of 410 beds, 377 beds have been filled or 80 percent have been filled. This means, the number of beds remaining is 33 units," said the person in charge of the Indrapura Field Hospital (RSLI) Surabaya, First Admiral TNI I Dewa Gede Nalendra Djaya Iswara, confirmed, Thursday, June 17th.

Nalendra said that most of the patients treated at the RSLI were Madurese, namely 226 people. They tested positive for COVID-19 after they were caught in an enclosure at the Suramadu Bridge.

"Besides Madurese, there are also 82 general public patients, 56 from PMI, and 12 from Islamic boarding schools," he said.

Nalendra said that his party was trying to add beds to health workers. Nalendra hopes that this effort can be realized soon.

"We are working on additional beds, health workers, and doctors. This is to anticipate the surge in patients at the RSLI," said Nalendra.

Furthermore, the bed occupancy rate at the Airlangga University Hospital (Unair) also increased. Now there are 60-70 percent of the total capacity of about 100 beds that have been filled.

"Currently the number of positive COVID-19 patients being treated is a total of 64. But the number of beds can be increased, as needed. This condition can be said to be full," said UNAIR Hospital COVID-19 Task Force Member, Wiwin Is Effendi.

Furthermore, the Husada Utama Hospital has a bed occupancy rate of 60 percent. Of the total 200 beds, 120 of them are occupied. While the ICU capacity is only 13 beds.

The ICU room is 80 percent occupied. If this continues to grow, there will be insufficient medical personnel," said Director of RSHU Surabaya, Didi D Dewanto.

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