JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has submitted a case file for alleged bribery that ensnared former General Election Commission Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan and confidants to the Central Jakarta Corruption Crime Court.

"Today, May 15, the KPK prosecutors team handed over the case files on behalf of the defendants Wahyu Setiawan and Agustiani Tio Fredelina to the Central Jakarta Corruption Court," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri to reporters, Friday, May 15.

Furthermore, the team of public prosecutors awaits the determination of the trial day determined by the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court.

"Likewise, detention, according to procedural law, has fully shifted the authority of the Corruption Eradication Committee to the Central Jakarta District Court," he said.

The bribe was still at large

Although this case has entered trial, the suspect Harun Masiku's bribe is still unknown after escaping during a silent operation in January.

Later, speculation about the passing of Harun Masiku was heard. Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman believes Harun Masiku has passed away. It's just that he admits he has no evidence.

This belief emerged because MAKI often received information on the movements of fugitives, including former MA Secretary Nurhadi. However, from every information that came in, no one mentioned the existence of Harun Masiku.

"Only the belief that HM is dead, only in comparison with Nurhadi (former MA Secretary) there is always new information valid every week," said Boyamin some time ago.

However, the KPK ignored this issue. Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri said that the KPK had never received information about the PDIP politician's death.

"So far the KPK has not obtained valid information and evidence that the suspect HAR (Harun Masiku) has died," he said when confirmed by reporters.

He said the KPK was still searching for Harun Masiku. The KPK also coordinates with various parties to look for it. Meanwhile, cases that have been followed up will run even though Harun has not been arrested.

Meanwhile, Head of National Police Headquarters Penum Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan said his party was still looking for the fugitive. "The National Police is still trying to find Harun Masiku in order to help the KPK," he said.

Given the bribery case of Wahyu Setiawan

The KPU commissioner for the 2017-2022 period became the defendant after being caught in a hand arrest (OTT) operation in January and was named a suspect along with former member of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Agustiani Tio Fridelina (ATF) who is his confidant.

Meanwhile, the giver of bribes is Harun Masiku (HAR) who is a PDIP candidate and Saeful who is called a private party but is also suspected of being one of the staff of the party bearing the bull symbol.

This case started with the death of Nazarudin Kiemas, the younger brother of the late husband of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri, Taufiq Kiemas. Nazarudin died on March 26, 2019 or before the election for the 2019 election on April 17.

Even so, the late Nazarudin still got votes. This is because his photo is still on the ballot paper in the 2019 elections. He even got the most votes in the South Sumatra I electoral district with 31,358 votes.

In early July 2019, one of the PDIP DPP administrators ordered an advocate named Doni to file a judicial review lawsuit for Article 54 of KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2019 concerning Vote Voting and Counting. This material lawsuit filing is related to the death of Nazarudin.

This lawsuit was granted by the Supreme Court (MA) on July 19, 2019. The Supreme Court determined that the party determines the votes and replaces them between time.

On August 31, 2019, the KPU held a plenary meeting and appointed another legislative candidate named Riezky Aprilia to replace Nazarudin Kiemas. The PDIP DPP asked the KPU to cancel Riezky Aprilia's appointment as an elected member of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period. The party created by Megawati Soekarnoputri wants Harun Masiku to replace Nazarudin in the DPR and not Riezky Aprilia.

PDIP request, rejected. KPU decided that Riezky to replace Nazarudin walked to Senayan. KPU reasoned that Riezky had the most votes after the late Nazarudin. Riezky's total vote tally was 13,062 votes. Riezky is a young businessman and the daughter of Ridwan Efendi, the former Mayor of Lubuklinggau. Currently, Riezky sits on Commission IV of the DPR.

Before becoming a PDIP cadre, Harun Masiku was a former cadre of the Democratic Party. In the 2019 Election, Harun was number 6 in the list of PDIP candidates in South Sumatra I electoral districts. Harun's vote was 5,878 votes. The votes between Riezky and Harun were very far apart. So, the KPU defended Riezky to walk to Senayan and rejected Harun.

Two weeks later, a private party named Saeful, who has an interest in Harun, lobbied Wahyu Setiawan to be able to get Harun to replace Riezky as a legislative candidate approved by the KPU.

Wahyu also agreed to help her escape by replying, "Ready, play!". This is where Wahyu committed the criminal act of corruption by asking for operational funds of Rp. 900 million. The money was given in stages.

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