JAKARTA - The team from the Attorney General's Office (AGO) together with the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore moved quickly to repatriate high-profile fugitive Adelin Lis from Singapore to Jakarta.

"The Attorney General asked Adelin Lis to be immediately brought to Jakarta. The AGO team in Singapore is already on standby there for repatriation. And it must be taken to Jakarta, not to another place," said the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak. , quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 16.

Leonard confirmed the information on the arrest of Adelin Lis, who was caught using a fake passport on behalf of Hendro Leonardi in March 2021 when he entered Singapore.

Since receiving the news, said Leonard, the AGO immediately moved quickly with the Indonesian Embassy in lobbying the Singaporean government to deport Adelin Lis, who had twice escaped.

"Prosecutor General Burhanuddin rejected Adelin Lis' wishes, because law enforcement is the absolute authority of the Attorney General's Office. Pak Burhanuddin ordered the Indonesian Embassy to only allow Adelin Lis to be deported to Jakarta," Leonard said.

Old Fugitive

Adelin Lis has been a fugitive since 2008, and even on the Interpol 'red notice' list, the Attorney General intends to pick up Adelin Lis directly by Indonesian law enforcement officers from Singapore.

In 2006 when Adelin Lis was about to be arrested at the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, she and her bodyguards resisted and beat the staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, then fled.

The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore has coordinated with the Attorney General of Singapore to convey the wishes of the Indonesian Attorney General. Data on the crimes committed by Adelin Lis have been submitted to the Singapore Attorney General's Office.

The Attorney General of Singapore is very familiar with this case, but the authority for repatriation rests with the ICA (Singapore Immigration), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ministry of Home Affairs) Singapore.

Leonard said that the Indonesian Embassy had officially conveyed the wishes of Indonesian law enforcers to allow special pick-ups for this high-profile fugitive.

However, the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 16, 2021 did not give permission for an in-person pick-up. In accordance with Singapore law, Adelin Lis will only be deported on a commercial plane.

In fact, Adelin Lis's son wrote to the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office asking that his father be allowed to return to Medan alone and will come to the Medan District Attorney's Office.

Adelin Lis has even booked a ticket to Medan for a flight 18 June 2021, even though when she was sentenced by the Singapore Court she asked to be paid twice, because she admitted that she was experiencing financial difficulties. He even further requested that he be detained in Tanjung Gusta Prison.

Adeline Lis is known to have fled to China and was arrested by the Indonesian Embassy in 2006, but the next day she managed to escape, after dozens of unknown people ganged up on four Indonesian Embassy officers who were guarding her. But after that, he could be arrested again with the help of the Beijing police.

In 2008, Adelin fled again until he was caught again in March 2021 in Singapore.

Adelin was sentenced to 10 years in prison, a fine of Rp. 1 billion, and a replacement money of Rp. 199 billion for a corruption case.

Rumors circulated that Adelin Lis, a fugitive from the AGO, was caught in Singapore and will soon be repatriated to Indonesia.

Adelin Lis was arrested by Singapore Immigration for falsifying passports. Now it is just a matter of waiting for the results of negotiations between the AGO and the Indonesian Embassy and the Singaporean authorities, in order to return Adelin Lis to Indonesia.

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