JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the plan to demolish a permanent bicycle lane on the Sudirman-Thamrin road section.
Prior to the demolition, the National Police Chief Sigit ensured that his party would conduct a comparative study, ideally setting a bicycle route for either work or exercise.
Social Media Activist Denny Siregar also commented on the plan of the National Police Chief Sigit. How not, the bicycle lane construction project during the Anies Baswedan administration spent a budget of around Rp. 28 billion.
"28 billion rupiah, men.. Finally it had to be dismantled. The citizens are happy, the contractors are rich," Denny quipped via his Twitter tweet, @Dennysiregar7, Wednesday, June 16.
Not stopping at the permanent bicycle lane, Denny also criticized several Anies Baswedan's 'projects' whose fate was also demolished. Call it the odor barrier net in Kali Item.
"The item nets were dismantled.. The bamboo statues were dismantled.. The permanent bicycle lanes were dismantled.. It's clear you can't work, but it's a dream to be president. Freeport might also be dismantled later..." Denny quipped.

The proposal to dismantle the permanent bicycle lane was conveyed by a member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Ahmad Sahroni during a Working Meeting with the National Police Chief today. Sahroni does not want any discrimination against other road users.
Not only between bicycles and motorcycles, but also fellow cyclists such as road bikes and folding bikes.
Sahroni's proposal was received positively by the National Police Chief, Sigit. The National Police Chief Sigit agreed that this route would be dismantled. However, before the execution, the police will look for a suitable composition to replace the permanent bicycle lane.
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