JAKARTA - The National Police said that they had arrested 3,283 perpetrators of thuggery and illegal levies (extortion) after receiving direct directions from President Joko Widodo. Thousands of perpetrators are the result of prosecution in 6 Polda ranks.

"The results of thuggery and extortion operations from June 11 to 14, 2021 which were carried out at 1,368 location points, there were 6 Polda with the highest number of perpetrators arrested," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, Wednesday, June 16.

The regional police that have reported the results of the action include the Metro Jaya Police, Central Java Police, West Java Police, North Sumatra Police, East Java Police, and Banten Police.

From the reports received, it was the Central Java Police who arrested the most perpetrators of thuggery and extortion.

"Central Java Police are 922 people. Thuggery is 449 people, 4 of them are in the investigation stage and 439 are being coached. All 473 extortionists are being coached," said Ramadhan.

The second highest number of prosecutions was the West Java Regional Police. According to reports received, around 894 perpetrators of thuggery and extortion have been arrested. Then, the North Sumatra Police who secured 696 people were arrested.

Furthermore, the Banten Police by securing 643 thuggery perpetrators. Hundreds of people were also trained. Polda East Java (East Java) arrested 386 people.

"The East Java Regional Police are 386 people. thuggery is 210 people, 73 people are being investigated and 137 are being coached. For extortion, 176 people are, 28 people are being investigated and 148 are coaching," said Ramadhan.

Finally, Polda Metro Jaya arrested 282 perpetrators of thuggery and extortion. In which, 13 perpetrators of thuggery and 16 perpetrators of extortion have their status raised to investigation.

"The perpetrators of thuggery were 137 people with 13 being investigated and 124 coaching. Then, the perpetrators of extortion were 145 people with 16 fingerprints and 129 coaching," said Ramadhan.

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