JAKARTA - Four schools have postponed the face-to-face learning (PTM) trial in Jakarta. The school should have participated in the trial opening of the school since June 9th.

The schools that postponed the PTM trial were MH Thamrin's flagship state school, Bambu Apus; SDN Kenari 08, Monday; Madrasah Ibtidaiyah RPI, Kuningan; and Jakarta Islamic School (JIS) Kelapa Dua Wetan.

"The name is, the four schools are not canceling, but postponing," said Head of the Public Relations Sub-Division of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Taga Radja Gah when contacted, Wednesday, June 16.

There are various factors that cause the school to delay the PTM trial. First, SDN Kenari 08 postponed PTM because teachers and school principals were exposed to COVID-19.

"At SDN Kenari 08 the principal and his teacher. The exposure was when the teacher returned home, during his holiday. The principal was hit when he was at home. So there was no interaction at school," said Taga.

Currently, SDN Kenari 08 has been reopened for trials. The school is only closed for three days from Thursday, June 10. The two educators who tested positive for COVID-19 are still self-isolating.

Then, the postponement of PTM at the Jakarta Islamic School (JIS) was carried out due to conflicts with the school's schedule for conducting year-end assessment tests (PAT).

"If the JIS happens to be on the same day carrying out a full online year-end assessment (PAT)," said Taga.

Then, MH Thamrin State School postponed the implementation of PTM because the environment was included in the orange zone of COVID-19 transmission. There are fears of high transmission of COVID-19 when schools are opened.

"If MH Thamrin stays, because the Covid-19 is still high. Yes (orange zone)," he said.

At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah RPI, the postponement of the PTM trial stemmed from the wishes of the student's parent committee. They don't allow schools to open until the pandemic hits.

According to Taga, in the implementation of the PTM trial, there needs to be approval from the parents of the students. "The parents of the RPI Madrasah have not allowed it. It's not a problem either," he said.

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