JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron denied that the article governing the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) was smuggled in KPK Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning Status Transfer to State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

This was conveyed after being asked for clarification by the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding reports of alleged maladministration in the process of transferring employment status which resulted in the failure of 75 KPK employees, including Novel Baswedan.

"It's not true that there are smuggled articles, articles that have never been discussed. Everything goes through a discussion process and everything is open," Ghufron said in a press conference broadcast from the RI Ombudsman YouTube, Thursday, June 10.

He said the TWK draft had been distributed to his employees since November 16, 2020. Even so, he said the TWK implementation did appear in the further discussion of the draft.

Initially, he said there were three conditions for KPK employees to be appointed as ASN according to the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019, namely competence, integrity, and loyalty to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and a legitimate government.

"What wasn't there at that time was how to measure loyalty to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. So at that time, initially what was offered was an integrity pact, a statement of loyalty," he said.

However, the integrity pact was deemed insufficient. So, in the next meeting, the idea of an assessment of national insight emerged.

"Then formally when we carried out harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on January 26, based on the response documents of several parties who participated in the harmonization. Who participated? Besides the KPK, there were also KemenPANRB, Kemenkumham, LAN, KSN and BKN," explained Ghufron

Furthermore, it was decided to have a National Insight Test Assessment to fulfill these requirements. "So it is not true that later the process appears in the middle of the road but of course everything develops dynamically. Not everything that happens in the final draft is the result of discussions that developed at the beginning," he said.

As previously reported, the TWK was attended by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 people were declared eligible.

Meanwhile, 75 employees including Novel Baswedan, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum who is also investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Anti-Corruption Campaign and Socialization of the KPK Giri Suprapdiono, Head of the KPK Task Force Harun Al-Rasyid, and Director of PJKAKI Sujarnarko were declared ineligible (TMS). While the other two employees did not attend the interview test.

According to the employees who were declared unsuccessful, there were a number of anomalies in the implementation of this assessment. Including, there are a number of questions that are considered to violate the private sphere.

Thus, they reported the alleged violations in the test to a number of parties, including the Indonesian Ombudsman and Komnas HAM.

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