TANGSEL - The chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) in South Tangerang (Tangsel), Banten, Rita Juwita (RJ) has been detained by investigators from the South Tangerang District Attorney's Office.

Rita was named a suspect because she was suspected of being involved in a corruption case of over Rp1.1 billion in grant funds. Field observations, before being taken to the Women's Prison, RJ wore a pink prosecutor's prison vest.

The Head of the South Tangerang District Attorney's Office, Alinsyah, stated that Rita had colluded with the treasurer of KONI Tangsel City, Suharyo, in manipulating the financial statements for the 2019 Fiscal Year.

"From the results of the development, one more suspect was determined, namely RJ, who served as Chairman of KONI Tangsel. His method was to manipulate the 2019 KONI grant fund report with an estimated state loss of more than Rp. June.

After the suspect was determined, RJ was immediately detained for the next 20 days at the Class IIA Women's Prison, Tangerang. The reason for the detention was because it was indicated that RJ had run away and wanted to destroy the evidence.

Alinsyah said the arrest of the chairman of KONI was based on the development carried out by the South Tangerang District Attorney's investigation team from the case of the arrest of KONI's treasurer Suharyo on Friday, July 4.

In the case of misappropriation of the KONI grant funds, he said, RJ acted as the person in charge of the budget and had no connection in the South Tangerang Pilkada. Related to this case, the South Tangerang District Attorney's Office has also examined the South Tangerang Youth and Sports Agency head as a witness.

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