JAKARTA - The Indonesian Defense University, which is scheduled to hold an open senate session on Friday, June 11, in the context of inaugurating the title of Honorary Professor (Professor Professor) of Defense Science in Strategic Leadership at the Defense Strategy Faculty of the Indonesian Defense University, needs to be appreciated.

Inauguration of Dr (HC). Hj. Megawati Soekarnoputri or Dr (HC). Hj. Dyah Permata Megawati Setyawati Soekarnoputri, is considered appropriate and worthy, because her struggle is very big in the advancement of democracy in Indonesia. Megawati is considered successful in resolving the social conflicts that occurred in Ambon and Poso.

In addition, Megawati has also succeeded in reviving Bali tourism after it was destroyed by the Bali Bombings and solving the problems of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia.

Everything was done in the era of Megawati's reign as President of the Republic of Indonesia when Indonesia was experiencing a multidimensional crisis, and she was successful in overcoming the crisis.

"This is proven, through good socio-political education, in the era of his administration for the first time a direct presidential election was held, and he lost without any chaos," said the expert Prof. Dedi Hermon in his office, Thursday, June 10.

He continued, besides that, and it is undeniable that Megawati is the only female President in Indonesia, who at that time was the "mother" of all Indonesian students.

Megawati's services, he added, in addition to promoting education in Indonesia, also provide good political education with consequences based on Pancasila, it is applied to all the nation's children who become cadres of the party he leads.

"A structured leadership strategy, speaking as needed, not easily provoked by all incitements and issues, becomes a strong foundation for national peace and comfort," he said.

He said that the awarding of the title of Professor (HC) in Indonesia had also been carried out in the past, namely the inauguration of Buya Hamka to receive the title of Professor by the University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo.

"So this should not be used as food for polemics for politics, so that it creates various presumptions, thus disturbing national peace and comfort. Great appreciation should be given to the Indonesian Defense University, which has successfully chosen one of the best Indonesian women and has a leadership strategy always based on Pancasila as a whole, so that his ideas, actions, and attitudes change the concept and strategy of education in Indonesia, especially in the last few decades," continued Prof. Dedi Hermon.

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