JAKARTA - The Bangka Belitung Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force stated that as many as 2.430 children aged one to 14 years were positive for the coronavirus from their parents and their environment.

"As many as 2.430 of the 19.126 cases of COVID-19 are children", said Spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force for the Province of the Bangka Belitung (Babel) Islands Andi Budi Prayitno in Pangkalpinang, as reported by Antara, Monday, June 7.

He explained that 2.430 children tested positive for COVID-19 with details of 68 children aged one year, 498 people from one to four years old, five to 14 years old as many as 1.864 people spread across Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Regency, West Bangka, South Bangka, Bangka. Central, Belitung and East Belitung.

Meanwhile, cases of COVID-19 from the age of 15 to 19 years were 1.442, aged 20 to 44 years 9.741 people, aged 45 - 54 years 2.598 people, 55 -69 years 2.421 people and the elderly aged 70 years and over as many as 493 people.

"This COVID-19 case is dominated by women with 10.053 people or 52.56 percent of the total cases of 19.126 people", he said.

He said that based on the latest data on Sunday night, June 6, 17.289 patients were declared completed isolation (increase 189), 283 died (increased three), in isolation/treatment 1.554 (increased 52 - decreased 191) and the cumulative confirmed cases were 19.126 (increased 52).

"We urge the public, especially parents, not to bring children who are still toddlers to crowded places because they are vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus", he said.

According to him, the massive transmission of COVID-19 and the spike in deaths due to COVID-19 in a number of areas were due to the increased mobility and activities of people gathering in crowded places and public facilities.

In addition, the indiscipline of those who tested positive for COVID-19 to undergo self-isolation or self-quarantine at home/place of residence as well as the public's indifference to participate in supervising people who were positive for COVID-19 added to the long list of people exposed and infected in the Archipelago Province Bangka Belitung.

"We never tired of calling on and inviting local governments and underlining that awareness and discipline in implementing the 5M Health Protocol is the simplest, easiest, and cheapest way so that we and the people around us are not exposed to COVID-19", he said.

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