BANJARMASIN - Cagub of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) Denny Indrayana continues to stir up the spirit of anti-money politics in the re-voting (PSU) for the gubernatorial election of South Kalimantan.

Denny Indrayana, who is paired with Difriadi Darjat, will face off against a rematch for the South Kalimantan gubernatorial election with the candidate pair Sahbirin Noor (Uncle Birin)-Muhidin

"Towards June 9, Pilgub day, let's continue to ignite the spirit of anti-money politics," said Denny Indrayana via Instagram dennyindrayana99, quoted on Sunday, June 6.

Denny made a short video with volunteers. He also voiced anti-money politics together. “Anti-dawn attack squad. Take the money, don't steal the person," said Denny Indrayana in unison with the volunteers.

Denny Indrayana has recently become more active in meeting a number of volunteers and leaders ahead of the PSU for the South Kalimantan gubernatorial election on June 9th. Denny also uploaded a video of former KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah supporting him in the South Kalimantan gubernatorial election.

"I, Febri Diansyah, invites all people in South Kalimantan, especially in 7 sub-districts or 827 polling stations that will hold a re-vote on June 9, let's choose a leader who really thinks about and wants to serve and wants to fight for the welfare of the people of South Kalimantan," said Febri Diansyah via video recording.

“Don't vote for a leader who entices money or a leader who wants to buy the votes of the people of South Kalimantan regardless of the value. Because people who buy votes in the political process in elections are harassment or humiliation of people who have a common sense of conscience, who want a much better fate in the future, "continued Febri Diansyah.

He invited the people of South Kalimantan in 7 sub-districts that held the PSU to come to the TPS.

“The PSU is an order from the Constitutional Court, the PSU was carried out because in the Court trial it was proven that there were violations and fraud in the election yesterday. We don't want it to happen again, the fate of South Kalimantan depends on the voice of the people of South Kalimantan, don't sell your vote, don't want your voice to be bought, "said Febri Diansyah.

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