Mahfud Uploads A Photo Of An Invited Without A Mask, Warganet: Prosecutor Rizieq Says Violation Of Mandatory Criminal Procedure, Sir!
Mahfud MD (Instagram/@mohmahfudmd)

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights Mahfud MD has been criticized by netizens for attending a wedding without a health protocol. Warganet linked what Mahfud did to the Rizieq Shihab case.

Quoted from the information presented by Mahfud on his Twitter account, @mohmahfudmd, the event was the wedding of the daughter of a DPR member who is also a PDI-P politician Idham Samawi. The description was written by Mahfud along with a photo with the bride and groom.

"Alhamdulillah, this weekend, I was able to attend to witness and pray for the marriage ceremony of Mas Idham Samawi's daughter, Halida, who was married by Fahreza in Yogyakarta," Mahfud wrote in the photo caption.

Mahfud also explained about the implementation of health protocols in the event. "You can only remove the mask for three seconds when taking photos," he said.

Mahfud's upload was flooded with criticism from netizens. One of them is Yudi Budiman. He linked Mahfud's case to the case that criminally ensnared Rizieq Shihab.

Quoting the words of one of the public prosecutors (JPU) in a trial that Rizieq participated in, Yudi Budiman said: The prosecutor said in the HRS case, that prokes violators are crimes that must be punished.

Netizens responded to Mahfud's upload with various other comments. In addition to discussing punishment, most of them expressed disappointment because as an official, Mahfud failed to follow the discipline of health protocols.

Yes, in addition to justice and failure of example, netizens also expressed their skepticism about Mahfud's statement that the photo was taken for three seconds. Somehow it's possible, so netizens think.

@_Tan_Mudo_ questioned, "Only 3 seconds? Is this a hoax or fabrication, can you take a photo for 3 seconds and the one in the photo can take off the mask and put it on again in 3 seconds?

Meanwhile, the account @aguzta1213 said, "The procedure for keeping the distance is at least one and a half meters, sir. The photo session can't be only 3 seconds off the mask, sir. Where is the protocol, sir?

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