BANDA ACEH - Member of Commission III of the DPR Nazaruddin Dek Gam supports the KPK's move to investigate allegations of corruption in Aceh.

"I support the KPK, and appreciate the KPK which has moved quickly in investigating allegations of corruption in Aceh," said Nazaruddin Dek Gam in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 4.

Previously, information circulated that the KPK had summoned the Aceh Regional Secretary (Sekda) Taqwallah and the Head of the Aceh Transportation Service, Junaidi, regarding the Aceh Hebat ship procurement project.

According to Nazaruddin, who is familiarly called Dek Gam, he said he really wanted the KPK to pay special attention to the budget management process in Aceh.

"Aceh's budget is very large, not to mention the addition of special autonomy funds. So, if there is no escort, Aceh will be left behind. And this requires KPK's intervention," said Nazaruddin Dek Gam.

The DPR member from the Aceh electoral district also invited the Acehnese people to participate in providing support to the KPK in conducting an investigation into the alleged corruption case.

"In several meetings with the KPK, I personally always conveyed to the Chairman of the KPK, Mr. Firli, to see and oversee the budget in Aceh," said Nazaruddin Dek Gam.

In addition, said Dek Gam, disclosure of corruption cases in Aceh is important to provide legal certainty over the management of the special autonomy fund that has not been running optimally.

"So to realize the implementation of special autonomy on target, the law enforcement process is very much needed," said the politician from the National Mandate Party (PAN).

Dek Gam admitted that he had previously carried out a special mapping with the Aceh Anti-Corruption Movement (GeRAK) institution to see the facts and findings of alleged criminal acts of corruption in Aceh.

"This includes encouraging the disclosure of other indications of irregularities such as the multi-resistant project and the construction of the refinery bridge," said Nazaruddin Dek Gam, who is also the president of Persiraja.

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