JAKARTA - The Bandung District Attorney arrested a convict in the case of corruption in grant funds within the Bandung City Government in the 2010 fiscal year named Deni Wardani (43) who has been a fugitive for 8 years. Head of the Bandung District Attorney's Office Iwa Suwia said that his party arrested the convict Deni Wardani at his residence, Thursday, June 3 night. Deni is said to be a fugitive before the trial of his case in 2013 began. "This trial is in absentia status, so far it is suspected that he has moved (city), and so far we are trying to find the person concerned," said Iwa at the Kejari Office in Bandung, West Java, Friday, June 4. Deni was sentenced to 4 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 50 million with a subsidiary of 2 months. After being arrested on Thursday night, Deni immediately underwent an examination at the Bandung Kejari Office. On this Friday afternoon, Deni was immediately thrown into prison to serve his prison term. Deni was entangled in a corruption case in 2010 when the Bandung City Government budgeted Rp.

At that time, Deni submitted a request for disbursement of grant funds through a proposal for activities to socialize environmental benefits. Because at that time Deni was the Head of the Center for Environmental Studies (PKL). Deni and his team at that time applied for a grant of Rp. 150 million for the activities they were going to do. However, in the end, the activity proposal he submitted was a fictitious proposal. Meanwhile, the Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Bandung Kejari, Taufik Effendi, said that his party was still pursuing another fugitive with the initials M who was a colleague of Deni. According to him, this person was involved in the submission of the fictitious proposal. Because the corruption has caused the Bandung City Government to suffer state losses. "M is still a fugitive, we convey that he must immediately surrender himself cooperatively," said Taufik.

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