JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that his party has paid the central government's debt to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, in the form of profit sharing funds (DBH) amounting to Rp2.6 trillion. This payment is in accordance with the request of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.

However, the underpayment of the 2019 DBH given was only around 50 percent of the total DBH DKI amounting to IDR 5.16 trillion. This DBH consists of the remaining underpayments of 2018 amounting to IDR 19.35 billion and potential underpayments of 2019 based on the prognosis of IDR 5.16 trillion.

"For DKI Jakarta itself, from Rp 5.16 trillion, we have paid the 2018 DBH is still lacking and for 2019 we have distributed Rp 2.58 trillion," said Sri Mulyani, in a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Friday, May 8.

Even though it has already paid Rp2.6 trillion, it does not mean that the Ministry of Finance has paid off its debt. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 36 / PMK.07 / 2020 concerning the stipulation of the temporary allocation of underpayment of the 2019 Fiscal Year Revenue Sharing Fund in the context of handling COVID-19, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government only gets profit sharing funds of IDR 2.56 trillion.

In fact, the 2019 DBH debt to DKI Jakarta reached IDR 5.1 trillion and the 2020 DBH in the second quarter reached IDR 2.4 trillion. So that the total debt of the Ministry of Finance to DKI Jakarta is IDR 7.5 trillion.

Sri Mulyani said that the government disbursed 50 percent first because it was still waiting for the results of the Audit from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). This is because if they follow the mechanism, the underpayment of DBH by the government to the regions should be paid in August or September of the following year, after the LKPP audit has been completed by the BPK and reported to the DPR.

"The rest will be distributed in the next period after the BPK and LKPP audits," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of Commission A DPRD DKI Jakarta Mujiyono urged the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani to pay off the central government's debt to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, in the form of profit sharing funds (DBH). According to him, DBH is one of the budget sources for handling the corona virus or COVID-19 in DKI.

"Currently, only half of the DBH receivables have been disbursed from the Minister of Finance. The Pemprov's DBH receivables should be paid off, not only half. This is on the one hand the obligation is not fulfilled, but on the other hand, it has cornered the provincial government," he said, Thursday, May 7.

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