JAKARTA - The National Police has divided driving licenses (SIM) class C into three. This division is also based on the vehicle speed capacity or cc used.

"Yes (divided by three), there are C1, C2, C3 which are associated with cc (speed capacity)", said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Friday, June 4.

This division is based on Police Regulation (Perpol) No. 5 of 2021 which regulates the Issuance and Marking of a Driving License aka SIM.


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Later, motorcycle users with vehicles with a capacity of under 250 ccs will use SIM C1. Then, SIM C2 for motorcycles with engine capacities from 250 to 500 ccs. Meanwhile, SIM C3 is for motorbikes that are more than 500 ccs.

"Of course there is also a basis for consideration related to the ability and competence to ride the vehicle. Because of course a larger cc requires higher competence than a smaller cc", said Sambodo.

However, regarding the application of this rule, Sambodo cannot comment much. This is because the authority in this regard lies with Traffic Corps.

"Related to Traffic Corps, we just run it", he said.

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