JAKARTA - The runaway controversial YouTuber from Bandung, Ferdian Paleka, ended after the police arrested him last night. He was in trouble for making fake aid distribution video content deemed immoral.

Ferdian was arrested on the Tangerang-Merak toll road, kilometer 19 to be precise, on Friday, May 8. Before being caught, this young man was known to have hidden from the police on the island of Sumatra.

Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations Kombes Saptono Erlangga Waskitoroso said Ferdian's escape began when he found out that the victim from his prank content reported it to the police. Together with a colleague, Aidil, they fled from Bandung.

"The suspect fled to Palembang together with his colleagues," Erlangga told VOI, Friday, May 8.

For several days, Ferdian and Aidil stayed over at the house of one of his old friends. However, for whatever reason, this young man decided to return to Bandung.

On the way, there were no obstacles that would disturb him. On arrival at Merak Harbor, both of them were picked up by Ferdian's father and uncle. However, while walking along the Jakarta-Merak toll road, the police stopped their car.

Ferdian and Aidil, who were the perpetrators of the fake aid distribution, were arrested without a fight. They were taken to the West Java Police for questioning.

"Until now, investigators are still investigating the reasons for his return to Bandung. All are still studying," said Erlangga.

Family Involvement

From the results of the interim examination, there was an suspicion of family involvement in the flight of Ferdian and Aidil to Palembang. The father of this young man is said to have helped Ferdian go to Palembang. Currently, investigators are looking for the party's information by conducting an examination.

"While still being explored," said Erlangga.

When the allegation is proven, the criminal sanction of Article 221 paragraph 1 point 1 of the Criminal Code can ensnare the Ferdian family. This is because they will be considered to be obstructing the investigation and investigation process.

Article 221 paragraph 1 point 1 of the Criminal Code which states that anyone who knows the crime committed by the perpetrator, but does not notify the police or hide the perpetrator, can be subject to criminal charges.

Ferdian's case began when a video showing a group of youths providing assistance to others became a hot topic of discussion on social media. Now, the video has been deleted by Ferdian.

Criticism arose because the contents of the aid were not basic necessities or other daily necessities but some stones and rubbish. The disgraceful act was uploaded to Ferdian Paleka's YouTube account. On the pretext of being a youth prank content named Ferdian as the main figure planning the action. By preparing five boxes of instant noodles that were previously filled with stones and trash, this young man and several colleagues headed to an area. Their target is the transsexuals who are on the side of the road.

Based on the video recording, about four transgender women were tricked with fake help. However, when they tried to target children, their actions failed because they had already been discovered. Their actions were considered a very bad thing to do. Not long after, one of the victims finally decided to report this to the police.

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