JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko stated that the functions and roles of the Presidential Staff Office remain optimal in the midst of budget reallocation.

This was conveyed by Moeldoko while attending a hearing (RDP) with Commission II of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 2, refocusing and reallocating the budget did not make the Presidential Staff Office reduce its function and role in supporting and overseeing the President and Vice President's program.

Mainly through controlling national priority programs, managing strategic issues, and political communication.

"As of May 2021, KSP has carried out monitoring and evaluation of seven development agendas or national priorities, consisting of 34 priority programs in which there are 86 priority activities, downgraded to 151 priority projects, and further elaborated into 551 action plans implemented by relevant ministries/agencies. ," said Moeldoko in a press release reported by Antara.

Moeldoko explained that the KSP budget ceiling in 2021 reached Rp86.76 billion. However, according to the Letter of the Ministry of State Secretary No. B 22 dated January 14, 2021 regarding refocussing and reallocation of the expenditure budget, the KSP budget allocation received a savings of Rp. So that the KSP budget after the savings will be Rp86.68 billion.

Of that amount, Moeldoko said that until May 25, 2021 KSP had realized a budget of Rp. 34.37 billion or 39.6 percent of the allocation.

The realization of the budget is used to support the implementation of KSP's duties and functions

In addition to those previously mentioned, KSP has also managed political and public communication strategies to support controlling priority programs and managing strategic issues, starting from political communication in the form of gathering public aspirations through KSP Listening, preparing weekly monitoring and receiving audiences from various stakeholders.

There is also information dissemination through the preparation of communication strategies and dissemination of national priority programs and strategic issues.

He said analysis and mitigation of strategic issues, preparation of daily and weekly briefings for the President and Vice President, weekly issues, agenda setting, and orchestration of all public relations ministries/institutions were reduced to various products including media releases, videos, flyers, to social media content that in accordance with the fields of all KSP deputies.

"Management of strategic issues together with ministries/agencies until May 2021 has reached 201 strategic issues and 38 of them have been resolved," explained Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, according to the letter of the State Secretary No. B09 KSN/S/PL/002/05 of 2021 dated May 11, 2021, regarding the indicative ceiling of organizational units or units for the 2022 fiscal year, KSP in 2022 will receive a ceiling of Rp. 103.96 billion.

"With this indicative ceiling, KSP plans to carry out monitoring and evaluation of the management of 34 national priority programs, the management of eight political communication strategies, 20 fields of information dissemination, and the management of 240 strategic issues," said Moeldoko.

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