JAKARTA - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto said he would explain in detail the defense equipment budget plan in a joint meeting with Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"We will present plans for the future. Of course there will be questions and answers and so on. We will try to explain as clearly as possible,” said Prabowo when he arrived at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 2.

Touching on the Rp 1,750 trillion fund that will be used to buy the defense equipment, Prabowo is reluctant to comment.

"How come you know better (the media, ed). Later the DPR will ask me," said the general chairman of the Gerindra Party.

The meeting took place behind closed doors because it discussed the budget, including the purchase of the Main Weapon System Equipment (Alutsista) and the state defense system.

It is known, in the circulating Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding the Fulfillment of the Need for Defense and Security Equipment Equipment of the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Armed Forces for the Year 2020-2024 (Alpalhankam) which is circulating, Article 2 paragraph (1) states that the minister prepares the need planning (Renbut) for Alpalhankam of the Ministry of Defense and TNI for 5 (five) Strategic Plans for the Year 2020-2044, the implementation of which will begin in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and requires Multiple Strategic Plans in financing and procurement.

In Article 3 paragraph 1 it is stated that the renbut for the Defense and Security Affairs Ministry/TNI as regulated in Article 2 paragraph 1 amounts to 124.995 million US dollars.

The details of the budget are explained in Article 3 paragraph 2, namely:

a. For the acquisition of Alpalhankam amounting to 79,099,625,314 US dollars

b. For fixed interest payments for 5 Strategic Plans of 13,390,000,000 US dollars

c. For contingency funds as well as the maintenance and care of Alpalhankam amounting to 32,505,274,686 US dollars.

Article 3 paragraph 3 explains that from the budget requirement of US$ 124.995 million, US$ 20,747,882,720 has been allocated in the List of Special Medium-Term Foreign Loan Plans for 2020-2024.

Article 3 paragraph 4 explains the difference from Renbut in the amount of US$104,247,117,280 which will be fulfilled in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan.

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