BADUNG - A woman with the initials NPY (40) was arrested for committing theft at her workplace at the Bourjois shop, Discovery Mall, Kuta, Bali. The money from the sale of stolen beauty equipment is used to pay off debts.

"For the evidence, Rp. 2 million was secured," said Head of the Kuta Police, Kompol I Nyoman Gatra, Tuesday, June 1 evening.

The theft was carried out at the Bourjois store, Discovery Mall, Jalan Kartika Plaza, Kuta, Badung on Wednesday, April 4.

The theft was discovered by an employee with the initials AK because a number of items were missing. This incident was reported to the head office, PT Aura Cantik Retalindo, who then sent staff to check on Kuta.

The perpetrator, who is also an employee at the Bourjois shop, was also summoned. He admitted to stealing beauty tools since January 2021.

Some of the missing items were more than 100 lipsticks, liquid eyeliner, blush on to concealer.

"For this incident, the company suffered a loss of Rp. 25,536,000. Then it was reported to the Kuta Police for further processing," added Kompol Gatra.

From the report, the police checked CCTV footage and arrested the perpetrator, Tuesday, June 1 in Kuta.

"The perpetrator admitted that he had done it four times, from January to February. The perpetrator admitted to committing the theft himself when he was not working or during his holiday," he said.

"The perpetrator admitted that he had sold the stolen goods in the form of beauty tools to several people, and the money from the sale had been used to pay debts," said Kompol Gatra.

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