Jokowi Dressed In Traditional Land Spice From South Kalimantan, Bobby Nasution Dressed In Toba Batak Traditional Dress At Pancasila Day Commemoration
Wearing Toba Batak traditional clothes, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution attended the Pancasila Day commemoration ceremony (instagram bobbynst)

MEDAN - Wearing Toba Batak traditional clothes, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution attended a ceremony to commemorate Pancasila Day. President Jokowi is the ceremony inspector.

Mayor Bobby Nasution solemnly participated in the entire series of ceremonies which were held virtually from the Command Center Room of the Medan Mayor's office. Quoted from the information from the Medan Kominfo Service, the ceremony was also attended by the Regional Secretary Wiriya Alrahman and several OPD leaders of the Medan City Government who also wore ethnic traditional clothes in North Sumatra.

In his mandate, President Joko Widodo, who wore traditional clothes from Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan, hoped that this commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila was used by all parties to strengthen the values of Pancasila in society, nation and state. According to him, the challenges faced by Pancasila are more severe, namely increasing rivalry and competition, including between views.

"Transnational ideology tends to increasingly enter various lines of people's lives in various ways and various strategies," said President Jokowi.

The President also said that currently the development of science and technology affects the landscape of ideological contestation. Not only that, the industrial revolution is also increasing. 5G connectivity also makes interactions between the worlds easier and faster, it can also be used by owners of radical transnational ideologies to enter the country.

"This facility can be used by radical transnational ideologies to reach all corners of Indonesia to all walks of life and to all ages regardless of location and time. The speed of expansion of radical ideologies can exceed normal standards when utilizing this technological disruption," he said.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution dressed in Toba Batak traditional clothes following the Pancasila Day commemoration ceremony (instagram bobbynst)

Therefore, Jokowi asked all parties to expand and deepen the values of Pancasila. Currently, new ways are needed that utilize science and technology, especially the industrial revolution 4.0.

"Utilizing the development of science and technology, especially the industrial revolution 4.0 and at the same time Pancasila must be the foundation in developing Indonesian science and technology," he explained. Jokowi also hopes that all parties will unite and be active in strengthening the values of Pancasila. This, he said, was to create an advanced Indonesia.

"I invite all government officials, religious leaders, community leaders, educators, professionals, the younger generation of Indonesia and all Indonesian people to unite and move actively to strengthen the values of Pancasila in realizing an advanced Indonesia that we aspire to," he said. .

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