JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri instructed all party cadres to come down directly to pay special attention to the village community, especially the problem of stunting.

Megawati said this was entering the Bung Karno month which will begin on Tuesday, June 1.

"The theme of Bung Karno's Month that I set is 'Unity in Diversity. Mutual cooperation for the people, developed villages, strong and sovereign Indonesia. Please run it as well as possible," Megawati said during the virtual inauguration of 25 new PDIP offices, Sunday , May 30.

Megawati asked the bull cadres to be more serious in carrying out Bung Karno's Moon assignment to go directly to the village. He even admitted that he would continue to monitor the daily reports from Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto regarding the progress of activities throughout Indonesia.

Responding to the instruction, Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said that according to the general chairman's direction, party cadres would concentrate on overall consolidation.

He stated, in one full month, all party cadres, whether executive, legislative, or those in the structure will descend to the bottom together with the entire village community.

"We must go down as a vertical path and PDI-P's political commitment to unite ourselves with all the breath of people's lives," said Hasto on the same occasion.

According to Hasto, PDIP cadres are obliged to encourage the development of rural communities as the center of civilization and the center of cultural development of the archipelago.

"This is where during Bung Karno month, we encourage the unity of party cadres with the village community, moving together to bring progress in the village," said Hasto.

"It is this politics that is integrated with the lives of the people, the politics of the earth, which the General Chairperson continues to give instructions for us to carry out as well as possible," he continued.

In addition to the stunting problem, Hasto added, the party also pays special attention to the anticipation of possible natural disasters.

"The party's instructions are very clear, how all ranks of the party build disaster preparedness. So that every 26th of every month, all party cadres in all regions of Indonesia simultaneously hold disaster mitigation socialization efforts," said Hasto added

It is known that PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri attended the inauguration of 25 new PDIP offices from her residence on Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta, Sunday, May 30.

Meanwhile, Hasto Kristiyanto was present with the Chairman of the DPP who is also Menkumham Yasonna Laoly, and Ahmad Basarah who is also the Deputy Chair of the MPR. Also present was the Deputy Secretary General who is also the chairman of the PDIP faction in the DPR, Utut Adianto. As well as two DPP heads, namely Djarot Saiful Hidayat and Sukur Nababan.

All elements of the DPP PDIP are present virtually. Namely the General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey and his Deputy Rudianto Tjen. Also the Chairs of the PDIP DPP such as Prananda Prabowo, Puan Maharani, Eriko Sotarduga, Ribka Tjiptaning, I Made Urip, Bambang Wuryanto, Hamka Haq, Tri Rismaharini, Sri Rahayu, and Wiryanti Sukamdani. Likewise the other two wasek-general, Sadarestuwati and Arif Wibowo.

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